Emily Hosea, MEd, NCC

Managing Director of Behavioral Health and Opioid Treatment Programs · CARF International

Emily Hosea has experience in a variety of settings that focused on substance use disorders, mental health, and crisis intervention.

Substance Use Disorders Mental Health Behavioral Health Opioid Treatment Program Crisis Intervention

John S. Haythorne

Partner · Dentons Canada LLP

As a lawyer and Registered Professional Engineer, John brings unparalleled expertise and knowledge to P3, construction and infrastructure.

Construction & Infrastructure Public-Private Partnerships (P3) Health & Healthcare Law and Policy Transportation Law Architecture and Engineering

Blaine Penny

CEO · Lumiio

Blaine Penny has over 20 years of experience in the health, technology, and engineering sectors.

Go-To-Market Strategies Capital Investments Rare Diseases Product Management Mitochondrial Diseases‎

Ganesh Sitaraman

New York Alumni Chancellor's Chair in Law · Vanderbilt University

Expert in constitutional law, the regulatory state, economic policy, democracy and foreign affairs.

Public Option Institutional design Regulation Foreign Relations Law Constitutional Law

Robert Winsor, Ph.D.

Professor of Marketing, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Pricing Competitive Strategy Branding Business History Franchising

Ingrid Ozols

Managing Director · Mentalhealth at Work (mh@work)

Mental health advocate & workplace educator, Humanness@work

Recovery Resilience Depression Surviving Suicide Mental Illness

Leapetswe Malete

Associate Professor of Kinesiology · Michigan State University

Leps Malete is an associate professor and coordinator of global initiatives in the Department of Kinesiology.

Motivational processes Youth Sport International and Comparative Education Kinesiology Physical Activity and Health

Jay Yoo, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Apparel Merchandising · Baylor University

Fashion merchandising and apparel expert specializing in appearance-related behaviors and individual social well-being.

Green Consumption Body-Tanning Behaviors Apparel and Consumer Behavior Fashion Merchandising Appearance-Related Behaviors

Deborah Bolnick, Ph.D.

Professor · University of Connecticut

Dr. Bolnick is an expert on genetic ancestry testing and how sociopolitical forces & history shape human genomic diversity.

Native American Genetic Histories Human Biodiversity Genetic Ancestry Testing Anthropology Ancient DNA

Norbert Kaminski

Professor of Toxicology, Director of the Institute for Integrative Toxicology · Michigan State University

Expert on cannabinoid research and toxicology.

Experimental therapeutics Cannabinoids Toxicology Immunotoxicology

Leon Davies

Professor of Optometry & Physiological Optics · Aston University

Professor Davies's research is focused on presbyopia and the restoration of ocular accommodation to the ageing eye.

Visual Function Following Stroke Ophthalmic Instrumentation Intraocular Lens (IOL) Technology Presbyopia Ocular Accommodation

Tamer Nadeem, Ph.D.

Professor · VCU College of Engineering

Wireless networks, edge/cloud systems, generative AI, cybersecurity, trustworthy AI, AI-enabled health, cyber-physical systems, and cobots.

Cybersecurity and Privacy Wireless Networks Edge/Cloud Computing Generative AI Trustworthy AI

Bree Akesson

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Work · Wilfrid Laurier University

Assistant Professor at Wilfrid Laurier University who conducts research with children and families affected by war and global social work

Refugee and Human Rights Issues War and Violence Children and Families Social Work Social Work Education

Carol Motycka

Clinical Professor/Assistant Dean · University of Florida

Carol Motycka's research interests include substance abuse, obesity and interprofessional education in pharmacy care.

Gastrointestinal Disorders Weight Loss Management Substance Use Disorders Safe Storage of Medications

Dr. Marc Tinsley

The People Repairman · Fitness for the Rest of Us™

Helping Ordinary People Attain Excellence By Increasing Vitality And Building Resilience

Health Productivity Leadership

Jennifer Gardy

Canada Research Chair in Public Health Genomics | Science Television Host · University of British Columbia | BC Centre for Disease Control | CBC Television

Sequencing DNA to track infectious diseases, and occasionally appearing on your favourite science TV shows

Genomics Bioinformatics Public Health Tuberculosis Science Communication

Jula Hughes

Dean · Lakehead University

Professor Hughes researches in the areas of criminal law, comparative constitutional law and judicial ethics

Criminal Law Comparative Constitutional Law Judicial Ethics Labour Law Jurisprudence

John Volakis

Professor & Chope Chair, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering | College of Engineering · The Ohio State University

Electrical engineering expert, focusing on computational electromagnetics

Wireless Communication and Propagation Antennas and Arrays RF Materials and Packaging RF Matching and Tunable Circuits RFIDs

Charlie Kemp

Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Charlie Kemp is an expert on robots for intelligent physical assistance and is passionate about enabling robots to help people.

Intelligent Systems Mobile Manipulation Healthcare Robotics Assistive Robotics Human-Robot Interaction

Mark Caleb Smith, Ph.D.

Professor of Political Science · Cedarville University

Dr. Smith is an expert in American politics, campaigns & elections, and constitutional law.

Constitutional Law Presidential Politics Presidential Campaigns