Denise Amyot

President and CEO · Colleges and Institutes Canada

Denise Amyot is President and CEO of CICan, the national voice of Canada's public colleges, institutes, cegeps and polytechnics.

Postsecondary Education Non - Profit Organization Non Profit Advocacy Postsecondary Education Administration Public Administration

Thomas Ksiazek, PhD

Professor of Communication; Director of Graduate Studies | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Thomas Ksiazek's, PhD, research is focused on the media industry's constant evolution to satisfy the needs of its audience.

Communication Media Industries Cross-Platform Audience Behavior Network Analysis of Digital Media Use News Audiences

Patricia G. Martínez, Ph.D.

Professor of Management, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Human Resources Management HR Practices as Signals About Employment Conditions Recruitment & Selection Effects of Perceived Overqualification on Hiring Decisions Paternalism in Employment Relationships and Leadership Styles

Helen Odell-Miller

Professor of Music Therapy · Anglia Ruskin University

Helen is the lead researcher for HOMESIDE, an RCT trial for home-based music therapy for people with dementia & their family carer.

Personality Disorder Adult Mental Health Music Therapy Dementia Arts Therapies

Rob Salkowitz

Principle/Strategist · MediaPlant, LLC

How is the Young World changing business?

Entrepreneurship Globalization Innovation Youth Emerging Economies

Professor Georgina Jones

Professor · Leeds Beckett University

Georgina Jones's research uses both quantitative and qualitative research methods and focuses on women's health.

Women's Health Decision-Making Quality of Life Measurement Health Psychology Research Methods

Wingyan Chung

Professor, Kneedler Distinguished Professor of CIS · Western Carolina University

Wingyan Chung is an information systems scholar with expertise in business analytics, information systems and human-computer interaction.

Machine Learning Social Media Analytics Business Analytics Information Systems Business Intelligence

Jessica Winter

Professor of Biomedical, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering | College of Engineering · The Ohio State University

Biomedical expert, revolutionizing our knowledge of the relationship between nanoparticles and biology

Neural Engineering Nanotechnology Biomolecular Engineering Biomedical Engineering Nanoscale neural prosthetic devices

Li Dai, Ph.D.

Professor of Management, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Political Violence Emerging Markets Multinational Corporations Institutional Theory Firm Strategy in Hostile Contexts

Ana Santos Rutschman, SJD, LLM

Professor of Law · Villanova University

Professor Rutschman, SJD, LLM researches topics in health law, biotech, innovation policy, patent law, and law and technology.

Drug Prices Intellectual Property/Patent Innovation Policy Health/Bio 3D Printing Health AI

Joel Judd

Director of Graduate Studies in Education · Southern Utah University

Specializing in Action Research applied to school settings, promoting teacher autonomy, and democratizing teacher knowledge.

Educational Policy and Reform Educating Diverse Populations TESOL Educational Leadership Program Development

Christopher A. Lemmon, Ph.D.

Inez A Caudill Professor; Associate Chair, Department of Biomedical Engineering | B.S., Lehigh University | M.S., University of Wisconsin | Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University · VCU

Dr. Lemmon's research lies in cell-generated traction forces and extracellular matrix biology

Cell-generated traction forces Extracellular matrix biology Cellular mechanotransduction Mechanobiology of fibrosis Matrix mechanics and signaling in the tumor microenvironment;

Nina Martin

Professor · Texas Christian University

Professor Martin specializes in dance practices for people with special needs such as ReWire Movement Method and Ensemble Thinking.

Pedagogies of Spontaniety Choreography Health Alternative Therapies Dance

Steven Grant

Professor · University of Florida

Steven Grant worked on the design and construction of over 100 themed environments at Walt Disney World.

Theme Parks Interdisciplinary Collaboration Themed Environments

Dan McCole

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

An expert on tourism, wine tourism, and social entrepreneurship

Social Entrepreneruship Wine Tourism Tourism Sustainable Tourism Social Enterprise

Julie Cafley

Senior Vice President · Public Policy Forum

Julie Cafley is a frequent speaker and commentator on issues relating to higher education leadership and governance.

Governance and Public Policy Higher Education Administration Women & Leadership Community Development Innovation

Susan Coffey, M.D., MSMS, CHSE

Director of the Virtual Education and Simulation Training Center · ChristianaCare

Dr. Susan Coffey is the director of ChristianaCare’s Virtual Education and Simulation Training Center.

Healthcare Simulation Team Training Curriculum Development and Design for Healthcare Education Psychological Safety Debriefing

Micheál Kelly

Board Member, CATAAlliance // Dean, School of Business and Economics · Lazaridis School of Business and Economics, Wilfrid Laurier University

Micheál Kelly is Dean of the Lazaridis School of Business and Economics at Wilfrid Laurier University.

Economics International Development Strategic Planning Business Strategy Strategy

Professor Ed Galea

Director of the Fire Safety Engineering Group · University of Greenwich

His research and software tools inform disaster management and crowd safety, and the design of safe buildings, aircraft and ships, globally

Fire and Evacuation Evacuation Computational Fire Engineering Fire Safety Civil Defence

Jessica Kramer

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Jessica Kramer researches theoretical concepts and methodologies of occupational therapy, disability studies, education and rehabilitation.

Inclusive Research Assessment and Measurement Occupational Therapy Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Community Based Intervention