Mary-Kate Lizotte, PhD

Professor of Political Science · Augusta University

Lizotte is an expert in public opinion and is an expert in gender in politics and voting.

Gender Differences in Effect of Attractiveness on Political Candidacy‎ Race and Politics Gender Differences in Political Interests Gender Differences in Public Opinion

Glenn Bracey, PhD

Assistant Professor of Sociology & Criminology | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Glenn Bracey, PhD, is an expert on race and social movements and race and the law.

Activism and Social Justice in Sports Race and Law Social Movements Critical Race Theory Black Lives Matter

Margaret A. Cramer, Ph.D., ABPP

Professor Emerit - Clinical Psychology · Fielding Graduate University

Psychodynamics; PTSD and substance abuse; Women, trauma and addiction.

History and Systems of Psychology Theories of Personality Psychopathology Health Psychology Psychoanalytic and Neoanalytic Theory and Psychotherapy

Joshua Wilson

Associate Professor, Education · University of Delaware

Prof. Wilson's research focuses on ways that technology and artificial intelligence can improve the teaching and learning of writing.

Writing Instruction Writing Assessment Automated Scoring Automated Feedback Artificial Intelligence in Education

Russell Johnson

MSU Foundation Professorship · Michigan State University

Russell Johnson's research examines the roles of leadership-based processes that underlie work attitudes and behaviors.

Organizational Behavior Consumer Behavior Human Resource Management Attitudes, Emotions & Personality Leadership & Motivation

Wolfgang Bauer

Associate Vice President · Michigan State University

Wolfgang Bauer's research is primarily in renewable energy, sustainability, global warming

Mobility Biogas Global Warming Photovoltaics Sustainability

Supriyo Bandyopadhyay, Ph.D.

Commonwealth Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Professor Bandyopadhyay has authored and co-authored over 400 research publications

Self-assembly of Regimented Nanostructure Arrays Spintronics Quantum Devices Hot Carrier Transport in Nanostructures Nanoelectronics

Ümit Özgür, Ph.D.

Engineering Foundation Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Professor Özgür specializes in optical spectroscopy and photonic devices

Ultrafast spectroscopy Group III-nitride and zinc oxide optoelectronics Light emitting diodes III-V and II-VI semiconductor heterostructures Nonlinear optics

Paul Harris

Professor of English · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Geo-Poetics & Geo-Philosophy Literary Theory Interdisciplinary study of time Outsider Art/The Watts Towers of Los Angeles OULIPO/writing under constraints

Eckhard Meinrenken

Professor · University of Toronto, Department of Mathematics

Eckhard Meinrenken researches symplectic geometry, mathematical physics, and Lie theory.

Symplectic Geometry Mathematical Physics Lie Theory

Felicia Pratto, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychological Sciences · University of Connecticut

Psychology expert, specializing in race and sex discrimination and intergroup dynamics

Terrorism and counter-terrorism Xenophobia Prejudice, tace- and sex- discrimination in hiring Homophobia Violations of International Humanitarian Law in war-time

Fiona A.E. McQuarrie

Professor Emeritus · School of Business, University of the Fraser Valley

Expertise in Canadian industrial relations, workplace issues, post-secondary education, and organizations.

Higher Education transfer credit Workplace Behavior Organizational Behaviour and Leadership Organizational Theory

Daniel Bolnick, Ph.D.

Professor · University of Connecticut

Professor Bolnick is an expert on how evolution maintains genetic variation within species.

Speciation Host-parasite Interactions Ecology Evolutionary Biology Immunology

Kinitra Brooks

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Dr. Brooks specializes in the study of black women, genre fiction, and popular culture.

Short Horror Fiction Genre Fiction Black Women Popular Culture Treatment of Black Women in Science Fiction

Steven Schapiro, Ed.D.

Faculty Emerit - School of Leadership Studies · Fielding Graduate University

Doctoral Faculty in Human & Organizational Development

Human Development Education for Democracy Community-Building Multicultural Education Men's Development

Yuan-Jen Chiang

Professor of Mathematics · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Chiang is an expert in harmonic maps and analysis.

Harmonic Maps Differential Geometry Global Analysis and Analysis on Manifolds Differential Equations Topology and Mathematical Physics

James Arthur

University Professor · University of Toronto, Department of Mathematics

Professor Arthur's research focuses on the representations of Lie groups

Automorphic Forms Representations of Lie Groups

David W. Stewart, Ph.D.

Emeritus President's Professor of Marketing, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Educational Administration Consumer Behavior Product Management Marketing Strategy and Communication Marketing and Public Policy

Adam Frank

Professor of astrophysics, science commentator, and popular author · University of Rochester

Frank is a leading expert on how stars form and how they die, as well as civilizations before humans

US Space Program Space Travel Science and Religion Evolution of Stars and Planets Physics and Astronomy

Ravi Roy

Associate Professor of Political Science · Southern Utah University

Specializing in neoliberalism, political education programs, and the Deming system of profound knowledge

Political Associations Political Education Pograms Deming System of Profound Knowledge Leadership Public Policy