Wendy Smith

Professor, Management · University of Delaware

Prof. Smith's research focuses on strategic paradoxes – how leaders and senior teams effectively respond to contradictory agendas.

Organizational Behavior Interpersonal Dynamics Women in the Workplace Leadership Emotional Intelligence

Greg Stewart, MD

W. Kennon McWilliams Professor of Sports Medicine; Chief, Section of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation; Associate Professor of Clinical Orthopaedic Surgery · Tulane University

Dr. Stewart specializes in sports medicine, physical medicine, rehab and age-related research of former NFL players and military veterans.

Military Veteran Care COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Orthopedic Surgery Rehabilitation Sports Medicine

Douglas Schmidt

Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Computer Science · Vanderbilt University

Expert in mobile cloud computing, cyber-physical systems, information technology and data privacy.

Computer Science Risk and Reliability Big Data Digital Learning Cyber-Physical Systems

Victor Assad

CEO · Victor Assad Strategic HR Consulting

I consult, speak, and write about improving recruiting, HR operations, leaders, teams, and cultures. My new book is, "Hack Recruiting."

Executive Search Recruiting and Hiring Executive Coaching Strategy Execution Human Resource

Hasheem Francis

CoFounder, CEO · Built To Prosper Companies

Be A Great Student of Life, So You Can Be An Outstanding Teacher of Living.

Business & Strategic Planning Sales Organizational Development Leadership Development Communicating Change

Russell Keen, EdD

President · Augusta University

Dr. Russell Keen is an administrator with more than 20 years of experience in higher education.

Partnerships Ethics Public Relations Leadership Higher Education

Micah Solomon

Customer service bestselling author & strategist · Http://www.customerserviceguru.com

Customer Service Keynote Speaker

Hospitality Customer Service Customer Services Social Media High-Tech High-Touch Customer Service

Suzanne Toro

Owner · OmToro, LLC

Inner Wellness Teacher, Advocate for Global Change, Visionary & Strategist

Female Empowerment Inner Wellnes & Meditation Self Awareness Food Alchemy Creative Visionary

Daniel Silke

Director · Political Futures Consultancy

Acclaimed presenter of outstanding keynotes on Global Future Trends for corporates, conferences & conventions around the world.

Global Future Trends Consumer of the Future Emerging Brics Economies Africa South Africa

Thomas Burzler, CSP

Owner · Thomas Burzler

Trainer. CSP. Author. Sales Man. Burzler.

Selling With Profit Winning New Customers

Patrick G. Maggitti, PhD

University Provost; Professor of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship · Villanova University

Patrick G. Maggitti, PhD, is a recognized scholar in the areas of entrepreneurship and strategic management.

Higher Education Market and Non-market Based Competition Decision Making Entrepreneurship Innovation

McKay Tebbs

Director, Music Tech/Assistant Professor, Music · Southern Utah University

Specializes in commercial music and recording.

Music Education Recording Jazz Guitar Commercial Music Music Theory

Michael Gaeta

President · Gaeta Communications

Visionary clinician and inspiring speaker in the fields of healing, wellness and nutrition

Wellness & Healing Nutrition: Diet and Supplementation Preventative Medicine Whole Food Nutrition Business

Sensei Gilliland

CEO · Black Belt Investors

Honored As The Nations Leading Real Estate Expert & Mogul by Real Estate Wealth Magazine

Business Building Entrepreneurship Auction/Trustee Sales Purchase Options Pre-Foreclosures

Chris Byrd

Senior Consultant · EY

I advise professionals and companies on how to differentiate themselves by providing a unique customer experience.

Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance Implementation of It Platforms It Audit and Security

CJ Rhoads

CEO and President · ETM Associates, Inc.

Sought-after guru and speaker in both the business and the integrative health care communities.

Business Strategies in A Recession Improving Your Integrative Healthcare Business: Making the Connection With More Clients. The Future of Healthcare: Improving the Connection Between Doctor and Patient

Kathryn L. Humphreys

Assistant Professor of Psychology and Human Development · Vanderbilt University

A clinical psychologist with expertise in infant mental health.

tender age detainment centers Infants and Toddlers Orphanages Parent child separations Migrant Youth

Jeffrey Wasserstrom

Chancellor's Professor · UC Irvine

Jeffrey specializes in modern Chinese cultural history & world history, who has written on many contemporary as well as historical issues

Urban Globalization China Protest Gender

Randall Craig

CEO · Pinetree Advisors Inc.

New thinking and insights on Thought Leadership, Becoming a Trusted Advisor, Digital Strategy, and Growth

Entrepeneurship Thought Leadership Social Media Strategy Networking Digital Strategy

John Hatem

Professor · Georgia Southern University

Renowned Financial Expert

Security Analysis Finance Investments Global Finance