David Maginley
Spiritual Care Practitioner · Nova Scotia Health Authority
Spiritual counsellor, four-time cancer survivor, near death experiencer, public speaker and author
Near-Death Experiences Cancer Care Psychosocial Oncology Spiritual Care Palliative Care
Judy Scheel
Executive Director · Cedar Associates
Mental health professional with a passion for helping those with eating disorders; takes relational approach to healing ED issues.
Eating Disorders Attachment Theory Therapeutic Approaches to Eating Disorders
Yonghui Wu
Director/Associate Professor · University of Florida
Yonghui Wu’s research is in computer science and biomedical informatics to develop medical artificial intelligence to solve medical problems
Data Science Machine Learning Natural Language Processing Drug Repurposing
Ruth Braunstein, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Sociology · University of Connecticut
Dr. Braunstein is a cultural sociologist interested in the role of taxes, taxpaying, religion, and morality in American political life.
Taxes and Taxpaying Religion Politics & Culture Faith-based Communities Religious Studies Cultural Sociology
Hal Herzog
Professor Emeritus · Western Carolina University
Hal Herzog has been investigating the complex psychology of our interactions with other species for more than two decades.
Animal Ethics Animal Welfare Human Sexuality Biological Psychology Animal Sciences
Tyler Frankel
Assistant Professor of Environmental Science · University of Mary Washington
He is an expert on ecotoxicology, specifically the impact of pharmaceutical, industrial waste products, & pesticides on aquatic wildlife.
Impact of Pharmaceutical, Industrial Waste Products and Pesticides on Aquatic Wildlife Ecotoxicology Aquatic Toxicology
Jasmine Kerrissey
Associate Professor of Sociology and Director of the Labor Center at UMass Amherst · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Jasmine Kerrissey is an expert on labor movements, work and inequality
Worker Strikes Labor Studies Labor Movements Social Movements and Collective Behavior Political Sociology of Health
Luvvie Ajayi
Digital Strategist · The Red Pump Project
Award-winning writer, humorist and social media strategist
Social Media Blogging Branding
Russell Hepple
Professor · University of Florida
Russell Hepple's lab examines the mechanisms causing muscle atrophy and dysfunction with aging.
Aging Cancer Cachexia Mitochondria Muscle Atrophy Neuromuscular Junction
Fred Carstensen, Ph.D.
Professor · University of Connecticut
Professor Fred Carstensen is an expert in the areas of public policy, economic history and economics.
Finance Public Policy Economic History Economics
Christine Chambers
Professor & Canada Research Chair in Children's Pain · Dalhousie University and IWK Health Centre
Tier 1 Canada Research Chair, Professor of Pediatrics & Psychology. Passionate about science helping children
Pain Social Media Psychology Knowledge Mobilization Knowledge Translation
Vaibhav Bhandari
Author · Lib13
HealthVault and Healthcare IT expert, Author
Data Analysis Web 2.0 Mobile Applications Healthcare It
Erin Stackle
Associate Professor of Philosophy · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
History and Philosophy of Science Early Phenomenology Aristotle Ancient Greek Philosophy
Alissa Nolden
Assistant Professor of Food Science · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Alissa Nolden is a sensory scientist whose research focuses on chemosensory perception in humans.
Human Responses to Food Chemosensory Receptor Biology Individual Differences Chemosensory Disorders Sensory Evaluation
Michael Ballard
President & CEO · Resiliency for Life
I help people gain the insight to be inspired, key skills to manage and lead, and an easy to understand process to create success.
Resiliency Self-Leadership Stress Mental Health Productivity
Sean Ahrens
Co-founder, Designer, Developer · Crohnology
Patient, Entrepreneur, Software Designer & Developer
Patient-Centered Health Quantied Self Self Tracking Entrepreneurship Patient Communities
Margie McHugh
SVP Lillibridge Advisors · Lillibridge Healthcare Services Inc.
Healthcare real estate strategist with focus on highly customized client solutions.
Healthcare Real Estate Feasibility Studies Real Estate Portfolio Assessments Acquisitions Due Diligence Monetization Assessments
Hadar Aviram
Thomas Miller '73 Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: aviramh@uchastings.edu / 415-581-8890 / Office 328-200
Criminal Justice Criminology Criminal Law Constitutional Law Public Policy
Sridhar Tayur
University Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Sridhar Tayur's research interests involve quantum computing, health care operations and supply chain management
Quantum Computing Healthcare Operations Supply Chain Management
Yuichi Motai, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering · VCU College of Engineering
Associate Professor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Virginia Commonwealth University.
System Safety Intelligent Systems with Adaptive Tracking Online Classification Methodologies Medical Imaging Pattern Recognition