Kathy Archer
Leadership Development Coach · Silver River Coaching
Growing Courage & Confidence in Women Leaders
Women's Leadership Confidence and Courage Courage Building Workshops Confidence Building Work-Life
Candi Cann, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Baylor Interdisciplinary Core and Religion · Baylor University
Expert on death, dying and grief, diversity in death and the intersection of death and technology around the world
Death and Dying Digital Death Digital Afterlife Death and Diversity Modern Mourning Practices
Leland Swenson
Professor Emeritus of Psychology · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Psychology and Law Comparative Animal Behavior Psychology Psychopharmacology Mate Selection
Chris Williams
Professor, Wildlife Ecology · University of Delaware
Prof. Williams serves as Director of the Waterfowl and Upland Gamebird Center.
Zoology Game Bird Ecology Wildlife Ecology Waterfowl Ecology Bird Populations and Habitats
Lance Hunter, PhD
Professor of Political Science · Augusta University
Dr. Lance Hunter studies the connection between terrorism and political stability in democracies.
Politics Terrorism International Relations Voting Civil Liberties
Christa Court
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Christa Court is director of the UF/IFAS Economic Impact Analysis Program, which focuses on disaster impacts to the state of Florida.
Hurricane Effects on Florida Agriculture Economic Modeling Supply Chain Aquaculture Forestry
Autumn Harris
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Autumn Harris is interested in managing chronic kidney disease in companion animals and medical therapies to improve the lives of pets.
Acid-Base Homeostasis Androgens Chronic Kidney Disease Hypertension Proteinuria
Cristina L. Archer
Professor, Geography and Spatial Sciences · University of Delaware
Prof. Archer's research interests include: renewable energy, wind power, climate change, and numerical modeling of atmospheric processes.
Air Quality Wind Power Renewable Energy Meteorology Climate Change
Julianne Savage
Wellness Lifestyle Expert · JumpStart Your Weigh, LLC
Wellness Lifestyle Expert & Coach - Helping the ordinary person live an extraordinary life!
Jumpstart Your Weigh to Healthy Living Raise Your Self Esteem to Lower Your Weight
Hong Gang
Founder and Managing Director · AMA Infotech Inc.
25 years business experience on IT and Healthcare, 12 years with Gartner, senior advisor to chinese state governments, some of case studies
Business Model Innnovation in China China Market Penetration - Case Study China Healthcare Reform - Challenges and Opportunities
Laurie Domiano, BHA, CMA
Medical Assistant Training & Development Manager · ChristianaCare
Laurie Domiano is the medical assistant training and development manager at ChristianaCare.
Dena McMartin
Associate Vice-President · University of Regina
Dena McMartin has developed and supported numerous academic and research partnerships within the university and with international partners.
Stormwater Quality Agricultural Water and Environmental Performance Monitoring Source Water Protection and Planning Chemical-Free Water Treatment Solutions Extreme Water Events & Climate
Anne Wilson
Professor and Canada Research Chair in Social Psychology · Wilfrid Laurier University
Expert in identity, time, memory, goals, inequality, and cultural norms
Social Psychology Self/Identity Well-Being Psychology of change and stability Psychology of time and space
Glenn Morris
Professor · University of Florida
Dr. Glenn Morris’ initiatives include work with Covid-19 epidemiology, zika, and cholera.
Diarrheal Disease Zika Foodborne Illness Incidence Cholera Food Safety
Meena Bose
Professor of Political Science, Executive Dean for Public Policy & Public Service Programs · Hofstra University
Dr. Meena Bose is Executive Dean of Hofstra University’s Peter S. Kalikow School of Government, Public Policy and International Affairs
Presidential Elections Presidential Campaigns Presidential Politics Presidential History
Harry Reis
Professor of Psychology and Dean's Professor in Arts, Sciences, and Engineering · University of Rochester
Professor Harry Reis' research interests involve social interaction and close relationships.
Marriage and Close Relationships Health and Psychological Well Being Social interaction Intimacy Emotion Regulation
Wendy Dahl
Professor · University of Florida
Wendy Dahl's current research interests focus on the relationships between fiber, diet quality, probiotics and the gut microbiome.
Dietary Fiber Nutrition and Disease Treatment Nutrition and Older Adults Probiotics
John Emberger, RRT-ACCS, FAARC, CPHQ
Director of Respiratory Care · ChristianaCare
John Emberger is the respiratory therapist and the critical care coordinator for ChristianaCare’s Respiratory Department.
Respiratory Care Critical Care Mechanical Ventilation
Mandy B. Korpusik
Assistant Professor of Computer Science · Loyola Marymount University
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Spoken Dialogue Systems Natural Language Processing Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Deep Learning
Sudhakar Satti, M.D., FAHA
Neurointerventionalist · ChristianaCare
Dr. Sudhakar R. Satti is a neurointerventional surgeon at ChristianaCare.
Interventional Neuroradiology Neuroradiology Neurology Radiology Patient Care