Jill Scott

Vice-Provost (Teaching and Learning) and Professor, Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures · Queen's University

Dr. Scott has worked as professor in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures and as Vice-Provost (Teaching and Learning).

German Literature Indigenous Cultural Revitalization Law & Literature Indigenous Storytelling Social Dynamics

Jeff Haymond, Ph.D.

Dean, School of Business Administration/Associate Professor · Cedarville University

Research interests include economics and religion, as well as monetary theory

Financial Markets (General) Federal Trade Reserve Policy Free Trade Minimum Wage / Unemployment Government Regulation

Matt Zierler

Associate Professor of International Relations · Michigan State University

An expert in U.S. foreign policy, international security, international relations theory, international law and international cooperation.

International Relations Libya France Terrorism Turkey

Lora Levett

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Lora Levett's research uses social and cognitive psychological methods and theory to explore decision making in our legal system.

Plea Bargaining Jury Decision Making Psychology and Law Wrongful Conviction Eyewitness Identifications

Olga Imas, Ph.D.

Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Olga Imas is an expert in signal and image processing, biomedical engineering, circuit theory, and advanced imaging applications.

Molecular Imaging Medical Imaging EEG Analysis Digital Signal Processing Computing Tomography

Rachel Cummings

Assistant Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Rachel Cummings is an expert in data privacy, algorithmic economics, optimization, statistics, and information theory.

Medical Instrumentation Home Monitoring of Chronic Disease Data Generation Machine Learning Data Privacy

Candis Bond, PhD

Director, Writing Center; Assistant Professor of English · Augusta University

Professor Bond is an expert in Writing Center Theory and Practice, Composition and Women's and Gender Studies.

Identity Construction Intersection of space and place (perceptions of women in public space)

Lauren Herckis

Librarian · Carnegie Mellon University

Lauren Herckis' field research applies anthropological and archaeological methods and theory to analyze human engagement with the world.

Human-Computer Interaction Implementation Science Future of Education Anthropology Digital Archaeology

Professor Sarah Whatley

Professor of Dance and Director of the Centre for Dance Research · Coventry University

She has expertise across a range of contemporary dance theory & practice, such as with artists, dance companies & cultural organisations.

Digital Dance Performing Arts Dance Dance and Cultural Heritage Dance and Disability

Rashida Harrison

Assistant Professor of Social Relations and Policy · Michigan State University

Rashida Harrison’s is interested in social theory, social movements, intersections of race, class, gender and sexuality.

Black British Women’s Transnational Feminist Activism Politics of Race & Enthicity African American Studies African Studies Social Identities

Sara Seager

Professor of Planetary Science, Physics, and Aerospace Engineering · Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Sara Seager is an astrophysicist and planetary scientist, and is an expert in theory, computation, and data analysis of exoplanets.

Exoplanet Habitable Zones Exoplanet Atmospheres Exoplanet Interior Composition

Richard Appelbaum, Ph.D.

Doctoral Faculty - School of Leadership Studies · Fielding Graduate University

Globalization; social and ecological sustainability; world-systems theory; the globalization of business and workers' rights

Global Political Economy World Systems Labor Markets and Global Production East Asia and the Global Economy Technology and Development

Theresa M. Winge

Associate Professor of Fashion Design and Theory · Michigan State University

An expert on fashion and dress, Theresa M. Winge focuses her research on the construction of identity within visual and material cultures.

Material Culture Steampunk Subculture Culture Fashion

Janni Aragon

Director, Technology Integrated Learning and Interim Director Technology & Society Program · University of Victoria

Janni Aragon has taught courses on American Politics, Political Theory, Gender and Politics, Feminist Theory, and Women's Studies.

Gender and Leadership Gender and Higher Education Cogressional Elections Women and Social Media Teaching and Social Media

Linh Hua

Senior Instructor of Core and Rhetorical Arts · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

John Koch

Senior Lecturer and Director of Debate · Vanderbilt University

Expert in debate, including argumentation analysis, persuasive techniques and rhetorical theory.

Policy Debate Presidential Debate Political debate Debate Presidential Rhetoric

Charles Opong

Professor of Communication Studies · Loyola Marymount University

Velitchka Kaltcheva, Ph.D.

Professor of Marketing, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Retail Environment Impact Marketer-Consumer Relationships Consumer Motivation Consumer Economics Business Administration

Kerri Froc

Postdoctoral Fellow · Carleton University

Kerri Froc's research interests include feminist legal theory and women's constitutional rights claims

Constitutional Law Government Relations Legal Research Legal Writing Administrative Law

Brendan Smith

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Human Factors Rehabilitation Engineering Biomedical Engineering Human Motor Control Human Perception and Psychophysics