Brendan Smith

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Human Factors Rehabilitation Engineering Biomedical Engineering Human Motor Control Human Perception and Psychophysics

Kai Gutschow

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Kai Gutschow’s primary field of research has been the complex and controversial history of modern German architectural culture.

Expressionism Architectural Criticism Ethics Modern German Architecture Art and Science

Ben Radcliffe

Senior Lecturer of Classics and Archaeology · Loyola Marymount University

Ben Radcliffe studies Ancient Greek literature, focusing on Homeric studies, critical theory, and aesthetics.


Krishnan Pillaipakkamnatt

Professor of Computer Science · Hofstra University

Krishnan Pillaipakkamnatt specializes in data mining, machine learning, and computational learning theory.

Algorithms Data Structures Discrete Mathematics Operating Systems Programming

Kathryn Kadous

Schaefer Chaired Professor of Accounting · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Kadous's research focuses on using psychology to improve investor and auditor decision making.

Auditor Judgment Investor Judgment Audits of Financial Statements Financial Reporting Cognitive Processing and Complex Judgments

Pankaj Patel, PhD

Frank J. and Jane E. Ryan Endowed Chair in Strategy and Innovation; Professor of Management & Operations | Villanova School of Business · Villanova University

Pankaj Patel, PhD, is a leading expert on innovation and entrepreneurship.

Automation Innovation & Creativity New Ventures Technology Management

Eva Pomeroy

Lecturer, Department of Applied Human Sciences · Concordia University

Eva Pomeroy is interested in optimizing the relationship between work and family systems, and the creation of innovative solutions to do so.

Work Family Balance Family Leadership University Teaching Group and Workshop Facilitation

Dr Emily Chiang

Postdoctoral Research Associate · Aston University

Dr Chiang's research focuses on linguistic expressions of identity in online criminal contexts.

Corpus Linguistics Move Analysis Dark Web Linguistic Identity Forensic Linguistics

Adam Barbu

Independent Writer and Curator · Middlebrook Prize Winners

Winner of the 2015 Middlebrook Prize for Young Canadian Curators

Curating Art Design Exhibiting Canadian Heritage

Jinnie Shin

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Jinnie Shin is an assistant professor of research and evaluation methodology.

Learning Analytics Educational Assessment Artificial Intelligence Natural Language Processing

Elise King, MID, M.A.

Assistant Professor in Family and Consumer Sciences | Interior Design · Baylor University

Elise King, MID, M.A., is an Assistant Professor in Interior Design at Baylor University.

Sleep and Creativity 19th and 20th Century Design History Community Engagement Interior Design Fundamentals of Interior Design

Connie Weeks

Emerita Professor of Mathematics‌ · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Eric Gonzalez Juenke

Associate Professor of Political Science · Michigan State University

Latino studies, Latino American politics, minority politics, minority candidates

Voting Behavior Latino Politics and Representation American Politics U.S Elections Minority Politics

Hong-Sheng Zhou, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · VCU College of Engineering

Hong-Sheng Zhou's main research area is Cryptography, spanning the full spectrum from theory to practice

Cryptography Cryptocurrency/Blockchain Techniques Information Security Distributed Computing

Edward Braun

Professor · University of Florida

Edward Braun is broadly interested in the evolution of genomes and organisms.

Genomics (Vertebrates, Especially Birds and Reptiles) Genomics Evolutionary Biology Evolutionary genetics Vertebrates

Jodi Short

Professor of Law, Honorable Roger J. Traynor Chair · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-703-8205 / Office 310-200

Administrative Law Government Processes Labour and Environmental Standards Global Supply Chains Regulatory Reform

Genevieve Weber

Associate Professor of Counseling and Mental Health Professions · Hofstra University

Dr. Weber is a licensed mental health counselor, with a specialty in LGBTQ inclusion/cyber-bullying and substance abuse/heroin addiction.

Addiction Substance Abuse Cyberbullying Homophobia LGBT Inclusion

Jorge Sefair

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Jorge Sefair develops theory and algorithms to solve optimization problems in environmental planning, public policy, and service systems.

Adversarial Games Network Optimization Mathematical Programming Operations Research Combinatorial Optimization

Phillip Warsaw

Assistant Professor of Ecological Economics and Environmental Justice · Michigan State University

Phillip Warsaw's research takes an interdisciplinary approach to environmental justice, economic development, and sustainability.

Racial Capitalism Economic Development Environmental Justice Sustainability

Robin Wilson

Professor of Mathematics · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering