Jerome Schultz
Clinical Neuropsychologist · Harvard Medical School
Experienced clinician and teacher. Captivating, informative speaker who makes the stress/learning connection with humor and wisdom.
The Connection Between Stress and Learning in Kids With Ld Adhd and Asperger Syndrome Understanding and Meeting the Needs of Children With Fragile Emotions and Challenging Behaviors. The De-Stress Model of Intervention for Children With Ld and Adhd The Myths and Realities of Inclusion
Grace Kwon, M.D.
Hospitalist · ChristianaCare
Dr. Grace Kwon is a hospitalist with ChristianaCare.
Hypocholesterolemia Celiac Disease Hospital Medicine Internal Medicine
Thomas Kostigen
Bestselling author · Thomas Kostigen
Celebrity Collaboration / Climate / Sustainable Food
Collaboration and New Ways of Working Journalism Environment Climate Business
Dani Bostick
Educator, Writer, Advocate · Self
Disrupting the culture of shame and silence surrounding sexual assault and child sexual abuse.
Representations and Uses of Greco-Roman Antiquity Sexual Assault Awareness Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Ptsd Motivational Interviewing
George Mias
Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology · Michigan State University
Expert on personalized medicine, big data.
Physics Astronomy Pediatrics Human Development Quantitative Genetics
Lindsey Davis, M.D., MPH
OB/GYN · ChristianaCare
Dr. Lindsey Davis is an ob/gyn at ChristianaCare.
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Elizabeth Barchi, M.D.
Sports Medicine Specialist · ChristianaCare
Dr. Elizabeth Barchi is a sports medicine physician who specializes in dance medicine.
Holistic Medicine Sports Medicine Dance Medicine Sports Injuries Pediatrics
Paul Lawrence Vann
Founder/President · Wealth Building Academy, LLC
Dynamic Inspiration Speaker, Author, Certified Business Growth Coach, Talk Show Host
Rachel C. Boyle
Dean of School · Leeds Beckett University
Rachel C. Boyle is the Head of Interdisciplinary Studies in the Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University.
Critical Race Theory Inequality Education Ethnicity Race
James Garrett
Provost and Chief Academic Officer · Carnegie Mellon University
James Garrett is instrumental in institutional and academic planning and implementation
Smart Infrastructure Remote Sensing Civil Engineering Data Mining Signal Processing
Dr Daniel Kilvington
Course Director and Reader · Leeds Beckett University
Dr Daniel Kilvington's teaching and research specialism explores 'race', sport and new media.
Race Ethnicity Racism Anti-Racism Discrimination
Matthew Stewart
Principal Economist · The Conference Board of Canada
Prolifigate spending? When it's time to put your fiscal house in order, count on a Principal Economist to steer you in the right direction
Fiscal Forecasting Economic Analysis Government Financing
Stacy Rosenberg
Associate Teaching Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Stacy Rosenberg contributes content for news media covering politics, political campaigns, crisis communication, and disinformation.
Politics Political Campaigns Crisis Communication Disinformation
Justin Martello, M.D.
Parkinson's and Movement Disorders Director · ChristianaCare
Dr. Martello, Delaware's only Parkinson's and movement disorders specialist, has established a comprehensive Parkinson's disease program.
Quality Improvement Parkinson's Disease Neurology Movement Disorders
Deborah Stienstra
Professor · University of Manitoba
author, researcher, advocate, speaker on inclusion, accessibility, gender-based analysis, disability policy, and global development
Disability Rights Disability Access and Advocate Gender analysis Women International Development
Jase Bernhardt
Associate Professor of Geology, Environment, and Sustainability · Hofstra University
Dr. Bernhardt has had a lifelong passion for studying weather and climate. His current research focuses hurricane preparedness.
Rip Tide safety Hurricanes Climatology Climate Change Weather
Wei-Ning Wang, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering
Aerosol-enabled technologies towards addressing critical challenges in the sectors of energy, the environment, and human health.
Aerosol science and technology Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Environmental Science and Technology Heterogeneous Catalysis Materials Science and Engineering
Kim Davies, PhD
Dean of Pamplin College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences · Augusta University
Dr. Kim Davies, Dean of the Pamplin College, is a sociologist available to discuss homicide.
Gender-Based Violence Sociology Of Homicide Social Equality Murder Sociology
Annabelle Singer
Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE
Annabelle Singer researches to understand how neural activity produces memories and spurs the brain’s immune system.
Alzheimer's Disease Virtual Reality Optogenetics Learning & Memory Neural Coding & Decoding
Christin Munsch, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Sociology · University of Connecticut
Dr. Munsch's research focuses on gender roles and family “breadwinners."
Family Breadwinners Gender Roles