Celeste Campos-Castillo

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Celeste Campos-Castillo discovers ways technologies can be designed and implemented so that they mitigate inequalities.

Privacy Social Psychology Demographic Patterns Digital Inclusion

Bill Maurer

Dean of the School of Social Sciences and Professor, Anthropology and Law · UC Irvine

Bill Maurer is an anthropologist and expert on money’s artifacts and technologies, from cowries to credit cards and cryptocurrencies.

Payments Industry Law Anthropology Cryptocurrencies Money and Finance

Mark Germanos

President · Mark Anthony Germanos, Ltd.

Mark Anthony Germanos uses Internet tools to help your ideal customers find you. See http://bit.ly/Jk50ds

Swot Social Media SEO

Raymond Hawkins, Ph.D.

Doctoral Faculty - Clinical Psychology · Fielding Graduate University

Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy; theories of personality; developmental bases of behavior; cognitive-behavioral interventions; addiction

Theories of Personality Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy Addictive Behaviors Neurocognitive Markers Outcome Effectiveness Evaluation

Joselin Mane

co-Founder · BostonTweetUp

Social Media Strategist - Specializing in Networking 2.0 Integrating New Media with Events. Author of Networking 2.0

Social Media Marketing Social Media SEM

Christopher Hendricks

Interim Chair, History · Georgia Southern University

Christopher Hendricks' research focuses on early American architecture and town planning.

American Architectural History American Town Planning and Development Colonial and Early National America Eighteenth-Century Moravian Church

Professor Simon McKeown

Professor in the Institute of Modern Art in the School of Arts and Design · Teesside University

He is a specialist in the creative and digital arts and in animation.

Film Production Digital Arts Gaming Animation Arts

David R. Moore, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Finance, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Corporate Finance Payout Policy Compensation

Margreth Barrett

Emerita Professor of Law · UC Hastings

Contact: barrettm@uchastings.edu

Copyright Law Trademark Law

Barbara Moses

President · BBM Human Resource Consultants

Transition toward where you want to be with an innovative career development thought leader and popular Globe and Mail work issues columnist

Career Intelligence for Yourself and Others Applying Career Intelligence Career & Life Intelligence for Women How to Manage an Intergenerational Work Force How to Career-Proof Your Kids

Tim Manson

Owner/President · Innovative Horizons

Tim Manson is an Inspirational Speaker whose passion is empowering individuals to overcome adversity, helping them to have a larger vision f

Compassion Confidence and Courage Turning Adversity Into Action!

Susan Prentice

Professor · University of Manitoba

Professor Prentice's primary specialization is contemporary and historical childcare policy and advocacy

Social Inequality Social Change Systemic Discrimination Historical Sociology Childcare Policy

Bruce Hanington

Professor and Head of the School of Design · Carnegie Mellon University

Bruce Hanington's core teaching has included undergraduate courses in Human Centered Design and Industrial Design Studio.

Design Ethnography Human Centered Design Arts and Creative Expression Industrial Design Research Methods

Moeness Amin, PhD

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Director of the Center for Advanced Communications | Villanova College of Engineering · Villanova University

Moeness Amin, PhD, is an expert in the theory of signal and array processing with applications to radar, sonar, and communications

Smart Antennas Radar Radar Imaging Sonar Surveillance

John Walz

President · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. John Y. Walz is president of Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE).

Colloid and Interface Science Chemical Engineering Research

Julie Jansen

Principal · Julie Jansen LLC

Dynamic speaker, best selling author, executive and career coach and problem solver for today's work place issues

Career Management Networking Executive Presence Working With People With Challenging Behavior Management Skills

James Ware

Executive Director · The Future of Work...unlimited

Experienced speaker and futurist; focused on the changing nature of work, the workplace, and the workforce. Change management specialist an

The Future of Work Organizational/Cultural Change Managing People You Can't See Talking About Tomorrow: Conversations About the Future of Work Your Last Bad Meeting!

David Shirey

Owner · David Shirey - Passion & Process Meet Here

David Shirey, the new authority on confidence at work, teaches how to get it, grow it, & live it! Cut loose your people's belief in themselv

Sales and Confidence Leadership and Personal Development Choose to Succeed

Guy Timberlake

Co-Founder and Chief Visionary Officer · The American Small Business Coalition, LLC

Advisor, on-point speaker, writer and industry expert on finding and winning contracts with U.S. Government agencies and their contractors.

About Federal Contracting Finding Business Opportunities Strategy Development

Erica Fuchs

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Erica Fuchs is passionate about building nationally the intellectual foundations and analytic tools to inform National Technology Strategy.

Innovation Policy Technology Development Public Policy Global manufacturing Commercialization