Karrin Hanshew
Associate Professor & Graduate Director · Michigan State University
An expert in the Holocaust, Karrin Hanshew examines persecution and genocide in Europe, perpetrators, victims, bystanders, and resistors.
Modern and Contemporary European history 20th Century Europe Persecution Genocide The Holocaust
Professor Tim Grant
Professor of forensic linguistics · Aston University
Professor Grant's main research interests are within the area of forensic linguistics.
Forensic Linguistics Forensic Authorship Analysis Online Sexual Abuse Conversations Twitter SMS
Jerry Park, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Sociology · Baylor University
Jerry Park is an Associate Professor of Sociology and an Affiliate Fellow of the Institute for Studies on Religion at Baylor University.
Racial and Religious Minority Experiences Prejudice and Discrimination Identity Cultural Ideology and Cultural Capital Civic Participation
Sylvia Zamora
Associate Professor of Sociology · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Immigration Comparative Race and Ethnicity Latin America U.S. Latinos
Munene Mwaniki
Associate Professor · Western Carolina University
Sport Racism Sociology Anthropology Immigration
Sara Villalta
Assistant Professor of Sociology · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Race and Ethnicity Education Immigration Adolescent Peer Relationships Social Network Analysis
Divya Victor
Associate Professor of Literary Studies · Michigan State University
Divya Victor’s writing, editing, and research focuses on 20th century, 21st century, and emergent poetry and poetics.
Poetics Emergent Poetry 21st Century Poetry 20th Century Poetry
Jessica Ferne
Director, Global Health Impact · CanWaCH (Canadian Partnership for Women and Children's Health)
Leader in disaster response, international development, youth & women-led programming, and sexual health & rights
Monitoring and Evaluation Adolescent Health Non-Profit Leadership Program Management Public Health
Sarah Adeyinka-Skold
Assistant Professor of Sociology · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Race and Ethnicity Gender Family Immigration Sex and Sexualities
Dr Tahmineh Tayebi
Lecturer in Forensic Linguistics · Aston University
Dr Tayebi is interested in online offensive and abusive language and similar phenomena, such as cyberbullying, trolling and hate crime.
Language Aggression British Immigration Trolling Cyberbullying Citizenship Policy
Judith Giesberg, PhD
Professor of History; Robert M. Birmingham Chair in the Humanities | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Judith Giesberg, PhD, is an expert on the history of the U.S. Civil War.
Caroline LeCount Census Slavery U.S. Civil War Women's History
Jeff Joseph
Senior Partner · Joseph Immigration Law Firm, P.C.
Expert on Immigration Law and Policy
Worksite Enforcement and I-9 Compliance Immigration Law Deportation
Stephen Allen
Associate Vice President for International Affairs · Southern Utah University
Specializing in international affairs in higher education, DACA in Utah, and international education partnerships
DACA in Utah DACA Student Services Student Affairs in Higher Education International Education Partnerships
Nora Rubel
Jane and Alan Batkin Professor of Jewish Studies · University of Rochester
Rubel is an expert in Jewish studies, as well as Jewish food and holidays
Jewish Cuisine American Religions, Race and Ethnicity Jewish Holidays Jewish American Immigration Judaism
Michael Mendez
Assistant Professor of Urban Planning and Public Policy · UC Irvine
Michael Mendez has experience in the public and private sectors, where he consulted and actively engaged in the policymaking process.
Global climate change policy Environmental Planning Public Policy Legislative Relations Climate Change
Sandra Ka Hon Chu
Director of Research and Advocacy · Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network / Réseau juridique canadien VIH/sida
Human rights advocate for people living with, affected by and vulnerable to HIV.
Hiv / Aids Prison health Drug Policy Harm Reduction Sex Work and Prostitution Law
Robin Feldman
Harry & Lillian Hastings Distinguished Professor of Law ; Director of the Institute for Innovation Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: feldmanr@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4661 / Office 372-200
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Intellectual Property Startup & Innovation Law Privacy and Property Law Law & Science
Douglas Bennett
Associate Professor of Political Science · Southern Utah University
Dr. Bennett joined SUU after a successful career in D.C., specializing foreign commerce, trade, and product liability
Crisis Management for Corporations Legislative and Regulatory Advocacy Trade and Globalization Automobile Safety Standards Comprehensive Product Liability Reform
Richard McGrath
Professor · Georgia Southern University
Professor McGrath researches immigration, consumer survey methodology, and applied microeconomics
Applied Microeconomics Immigration Public Finance Tourism Survey Methodology
Nazita Lajevardi
Associate Professor of American Politics · Michigan State University
American politics and minority politics, voting rights infringements, Muslim-American politics
Political Violence Voting Rights Race and Ethnic Politics American Politics Islamaphobia