Steven Joiner
Co-Founder · 21st Century Worklife
Surviving in Today's Workplace and Thriving in Tomorrow's Worklife
The 21st Century Worklife 21st Century Talent Management Resistance Management
Barbara Frei
Post-doctoral researcher, Department of Natural Resource Sciences · McGill University
Conservation biologist, scientific communicator & collaborative researcher. Champion for conservation in a rapidly changing world.
Conservation Biology Ecosystem services Biodiversity Agroecosystems Birds Birding
Xuejun Wen, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Chemical and Life Science Engineering · VCU College of Engineering
Dr. Wen researches biomaterials as well as cell and tissue engineering
Biomaterials Cell and Tissue Engineering Regenerative Medicine Stem Cell Biology and Engineering Drug Delivery
Hao Feng, M.D., M.H.S., FAAD
Associate Professor of Dermatology · University of Connecticut
Dr. Feng is a board-certified dermatologist with training and expertise in Mohs surgery, laser surgery, and cosmetic dermatology.
Mohs Surgery Laser Surgery Cosmetic Dermatology Dermatological Surgery Dermatology
Monder Ram
Director, Centre for Research in Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship & Professor of Small Business · Aston University
Professor Ram is an authority on small business & ethnic minority entrepreneurship research & has appeared frequently in the media.
Industrial Sociology Migrant and Refugee Entrepreneurship SMEs in the West Midlands Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship SMEs
Leo Barbe
Founder · Think Don't Shoot
Award winning youth activist, published author, spoken word artist, National figure on youth vioelnce and founder of a youth empowerment org
Youth Assistance Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Emotional Intelligence Youth Violence Empowering Victims of Violence
Jeremy Pollard
Director · SRM Advisory
Very dynamic speaker & facilitator at board & government level on smart ways to understand, cope with and benefit from change
How Ride Change Not Drown in It Lead With Passion. Lead With Stories
Dr Simon Underdown
Reader in Biological Anthropology in the Human Origins and Paleo-Environments Research Group · Oxford Brookes University
He researches human evolution - examining ancient DNA to reconstruct past human and animal life.
Public Engagement in Science Human Evolution Anthropology Ancient DNA Genetics
Michael Toma
Professor · Georgia Southern University
Professor Toma researches regional economics and public choice
Macro & Monetary Economics Regional Economics Public Choice
Zhen (Richard) Tang, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Marketing, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University
Organizational Economics Inter-firm Relationships Business Analytics Sales Management Franchising
Jim Stikeleather
Chief Innovation Officer · Dell
Rev up the engines of your event and glimpse the future with Dell's Chief Innovation Officer, who explains & evaluates emerging technologies
Software Development Environments and Methods Software as A Service Product Management Process Engineering Cloud Computing
Keith Smith
Survivor of a childhood stranger abduction rape · Author, "Men in My Town"
Speaker on sexual abuse prevention and childhood sexual trauma.
Sexual Violence Sex Abuse Survivors Child Sexual Abuse Child Sex Abuse Trauma Child Sex Abuse Prevention
Dr Alexis Paton
Director, Centre for Health and Society · Aston University
Dr Paton examines the impact that society has on health. Her research focuses on how ethics and the social sciences can improve healthcare.
Health Inequalities Health Improvement Sociology of Health Bioethics Medical Ethics
Ruth Panofsky
Professor of English / Graduate Program in Communication & Culture · Ryerson University
Dr. Panofsky specializes in Canadian women in publishing and Canadian Jewish women writers
English Research Higher Education Literature Media & Culture
Vincent Conitzer
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Vincent Conitzer is an expert in ethics and AI.
Ethics in AI Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence Computer Science
Victoria Duff
Founder & CEO · a Business Plan
Entertaining & informative. Makes the most complex business and financial subjects simple and inspiring.
Business Start-Up Venture Capital Economic Survival
Eva Buckner
Assistant Professor/State Extension Specialist · University of Florida
Eva Buckner researches mosquitoes and mosquito control efforts.
Mosquito Control Programs Mosquito-Borne Viruses Human Health Mosquitos Pesticides
Andrew Danylchuk
Professor of Fish Conservation, Department of Environmental Conservation · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Andrew Danylchuk’s research seeks to understand the factors that influence the life history and ecology of fish and other aquatic organisms.
Fish Conservation Impacts of Climate Change on Fish and Aquatic Ecosystems Behavior and Survival of Coastal Fisheries Best Practices for Managing Recreational Fishing
Ruth Nicole Brown
Professor and the Inaugural Chairperson · Michigan State University
Ruth Nicole Brown is an expert in African American, African studies and Black girlhood, who is focused on community-engaged scholarship.
Political Science African Studies African American Studies Black Girlhood
Asha Nayak-Kapoor, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine · Augusta University
Dr. Nayak's clinical and research interests are in GI Malignancies, and her specialties are Medical Hematology / Oncology Hematology.
Medical hematology/oncology GI Malignancies Internal Medicine Cancer