Katharine Thakkar
Assistant Professor of Psychology · Michigan State University
Professor Thakkar is an expert in psychotic disorders.
Neuropsychological Assessment Eye Tracking Psychosis Bipolar Disorder Schizophrenia
Cliff Bailey
Emeritus Professor, College of Health and Life Sciences · Aston University
Professor Bailey's research is mainly directed towards the pathogenesis and treatment of diabetes.
Diabetes Endocrinology Insulin Therapy Diabetes Treatments Surrogate Beta-Cells
Edwin "Win" Everham, Ph.D.
Expert on hurricanes and other disturbances and their ecological impact · Florida Gulf Coast University
Edwin Everham is an expert in ecological modeling and restoration ecology.
Restoration Ecology Hurricane Impacts on Ecosystems Disturbance Ecology Ecological Modeling Ecological Monitoring
Christopher Meyer
Associate Professor · Baylor University
Experienced speaker in all areas of negotiation and motivation in an organizational context
Negotiation Motivation
Kenneth A. Frank
Professor of Measurement and Quantitative Methods · Michigan State University
Kenneth A. Frank studies how roles and relationships among teachers affect classroom practices and school decision-making.
causal inference and education research methods Social networks among teachers and the impact of social dynamics in schools adolescent decision-making in social contexts
Garrett Schwarzman
M.D. · University of Florida
Dr. Garrett Schwarzman's research focuses on hip, shoulder, knee and joint arthroplasty, knee injuries, sports medicine, and sport injuries.
Sideline Management of Sports Injuries Shoulder and Knee Arthroscopy Sports Medicine Hip Pathology in Athletes
Russell A. Sabella, Ph.D.
Expert in school counseling, cyberbullying, technology and social networking · Florida Gulf Coast University
Russell Sabella is an expert in solution-focused brief counseling, consultations and parent conferences.
School Counseling Use of Data AI in School Counseling Solution-Focused Brief Counseling Technological Literacy for School Counselors
Annette Bergeron, P.Eng., MBA, FEC
Corporate Director · Electrical Safety Authority, Engineers Canada / Ingénieurs Canada
Experience in speaking & media on topics of women in STEM, women on boards, engineering regulation, advocacy, governance, policy, education
Governance, Not-For-Profit Regulation of Engineering, Regulation of Electrical Safety Advocacy for Engineering Engineering Education, post-secondary and professional development
Dennis Harris, MSN, MA Ed., NE
Nurse Manager · ChristianaCare
Dennis Harris is an expert in nursing and holds nurse executive certification.
Medical/Surgical Nursing Medication Education Nursing Community Health Gerontology
John R. Gerdy
Founder and President of Music For Everyone · Archway Publishing
Founder and Executive Director of Music For Everyone
Education Music Arts and Education Activism College Athletic Reform Role and History of Sports in American Education and American Society
Edward M. Feasel, PhD
Vice President for Academic Affairs, Chief Academic Officer, Professor of Economics · Soka University
Professor Feasel is responsible for academic affairs at Soka University.
Foreign Aid Economic Growth Economic outcomes and societal values Foreign aid, international trade and foreign direct investment Orange County Economy
Shane Barter, PhD
Associate Professor of Comparative Politics · Soka University
Professor Barter focuses on Southeast Asian politics, Civilians in war, as well as autonomous areas and conflict resolution
Minorities Separatism Indonesia Conflict Resolution Southeast Asia
Richard Tunney
Professor and Head of Psychology · Aston University
Professor Tunney's research is on judgement and decision-making. He also researches behavioural addiction including gambling.
Decision-Making Gambling Judgement and decision-making Surrogate Decision-Making Impulsivity
Giovanna Mingarelli
Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder · M&C Consulting and Mcrowdsourcing Canada (MC2) Inc.
Giovanna Mingarelli is an entrepreneur, crowdsourcing expert, public speaker and writer
Social & Digital Media Strategic Communicaitons Entrepeneurship Public Speaking Politics
Charles Owens
Director, Center for Public Health Practice and Research · Georgia Southern University
Charles Owens researches health care access and across the continuum of care
Emergency Medical Services Physician Practices Federally Qualified Health Centers Rural Health Care Access & Delivery Health Care Access & Delivery
Anna Errore
Assistant Professor in the Practice of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Experimental Design Six Sigma Business Statistics
Travis Ross, DPT
Physical Therapist · ChristianaCare
Travis Ross, DPT, is a physical therapist at ChristianaCare.
Active Release Techniques Sports and Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Injury Recovery Physical Therapy Injury Prevention
Lisa Breslow, DO
Obesity Medicine Specialist · ChristianaCare
Dr. Lisa Breslow is a board-certified obesity medicine specialist at ChristianaCare.
Bariatric Medicine Obesity and Weight Management Nutrition
Julie Jansen
Principal · Julie Jansen LLC
Dynamic speaker, best selling author, executive and career coach and problem solver for today's work place issues
Career Management Networking Executive Presence Working With People With Challenging Behavior Management Skills
Kaitlyn Angermeier, MS, OTR/L
Occupational Therapist · ChristianaCare
Kaitlyn Angermeier is an occupational therapist at ChristianaCare.
Occupational Therapy Injury Prevention Trauma Fall Prevention Community Education