Kathryn Libal, Ph.D.

Director, Gladstein Family Human Rights Institute, and Professor, Social Work & Human Rights · University of Connecticut

Professor Libal researches human rights norms and practices, including the ability to secure adequate food and housing.

U.S. Resettlement of Refugees Asylum Seekers Women's Rights Children's Rights Migrant Children

Michael Brodie

Visiting Scholar Harvard University · Harvard University

Michael Brodie is an expert in research and industrial practice in data science and databases.

Data Science Databases Multi-Disciplinary Problem Solving Industrial Practice Distributed Systems

Sabreena Ghaffar-Siddiqui

Professor, Sociologist & Researcher, DEI Expert · Sheridan College

DEI, Social Inequality; Immigration; Integration; Refugees; Racism; Islamophobia; Deviance; Radicalization; Terrorism; Hate Crimes.

Sociology Social Activism Politics Global Media and Culture Immigration and Ethnicity Immigration and Citizenship

Casey O'Donnell

Associate Professor of Media and Information · Michigan State University

Casey O'Donnell's research examines the creative collaborative work of video game design and development.

Software Engineering Computers and Society Science and technology studies Game Studies Anthropology

Daniel B. Rosenbaum

Assistant Professor · Michigan State University

Daniel B. Rosenbaum's research explores how local institutions function, evolve, and interact with each other under state oversight.

Municipal Law State Law

Sudip Bhattacharjee, Ph.D.

Professor, University of Connecticut; Senior Research Fellow, US Census Bureau · University of Connecticut

Extensive research consulting experience with Fortune 100 and US govt on “Big Data” driven decision making in IT and operations.

Energy INformatics Operations Research Information Systems Economics Machine Learning Big Data

Michael Nowatkowski, PhD

Professor; Director, AU Cyber Institute · Augusta University

A leading cybersecurity expert available to discuss online security, ransomware, and device security topics.

Hardware and Embedded Systems Cellular and Mobile Technology Defensive Cyber Operations Cyber Operations Education TCP/IP Protocol Analysis

Stephen Rich

Professor of Microbiology and Director of the New England Center of Excellence in Vector-Borne Diseases (NEWVEC) · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Stephen Rich studies zoonotic diseases, with a focus on tick-borne diseases and human malaria. He is the director TickReport.

Powassan Vector-Borne Diseases Ticks and Tick Borne Diseases Parasitic diseases Malaria Research

Shaun Nelms

Professor (Clinical), Co-Chair Educational Leadership, William & Sheila Konar Director of the Center for Urban Education Success · University of Rochester

Nelms is also vice president for community partnerships at the University of Rochester

School Systems for Underserved Communities Urban Education Success School Culture School Turnaround K-12 Education

David Schweidel

Professor of Marketing & Goizueta Chair in Business Technology · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Marketing analytics expert focused on the opportunities at the intersection of marketing and technology

Marketing Technology AI Social Media Political Marketing Customer Analytics

Heather Gibson

Professor · University of Florida

Heather Gibson's work sits at the intersection of tourism, leisure, and sport (sport tourism).

Sport-Events Educational Tourism Tourism Solo Travel Retirement

Jennifer Johannesen

Author, speaker, blogger · Patient Advocate

My talks are frank and unsentimental, yet lighthearted and engaging. No lecturing! Authentic patient experience illuminated through stories.

Disability Advocacy Ethics Parenting Children With Special Needs Patient Advocacy

Iglika Ivanova

Senior Economist and Public Interest Researcher · Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - BC Office

Iglika Ivanova is Senior Economist and Public Interest Researcher at the BC Office of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

Poverty Labour Economics Income Distribution Income Inequality Living Wage Policies

Dean A. Tripp, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · Queen's University

"Life" Management Workshops at Tripper Consulting

Positive Psychology Health and Welness Lifestyle and Stress Management Pain Management

Sherry Granader

Sports Nutritionist, National Speaker, Author and Writer · sgfit.com

Nutritionist, Writer and National Speaker

Throw Out the Diet Prepare to Live Longer Ad Do It Well

Carolyn Penstein Rosé

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Carolyn Penstein Rosé's research looks to understand and improve human conversation through computer systems.

Language Technologies Human Conversation Text Mining Human-Computer Interaction Computational Discourse Analysis

Robert Mikos

Professor of Law · Vanderbilt University

Expert in federalism and drug law, including marijuana legalization.

Hemp Law Sanctuary Cities Opioid Abuse Marijuana legalization Marijuana Law and Policy

Randy Blakely, Ph.D.

Executive Director, FAU Brain Institute & Professor, Biomedical Science · Florida Atlantic University

Randy Blakely is an expert in molecular neuroscience, focusing on how diseases and drugs impact the function of brain synapses and circuits.

Medications Brain Neuroscience Brain Disease Synapse

Christopher Thomas

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Christopher Thomas studies educational policy and law, including issues related to democracy, student, teacher, and parental rights.

Education Law Education Policy

Yao-Chin Wang

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Yao-Chin Wang's scholarly pursuits center on mindfulness within the realms of tourism, hospitality, and events.

AI-Assisted Mindfulness Experience Workplace Mental Health Mindfulness Hospitality Technology