Pankaj Patel, PhD

Frank J. and Jane E. Ryan Endowed Chair in Strategy and Innovation; Professor of Management & Operations | Villanova School of Business · Villanova University

Pankaj Patel, PhD, is a leading expert on innovation and entrepreneurship.

Automation Innovation & Creativity New Ventures Technology Management

Pamela Grothe

Assistant Professor · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Grothe's research focuses on climate change, specializing in past climates.

Oceanography Global Warming Climate Change Science Atmospheric Science Geology

Muzzo Uysal

Carney Family Endowed Professor of Hospitality & Tourism Management · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Muzzo Uysal is an expert on tourism demand/supply interaction, tourism marketing, and quality of life research in tourism.

Tipping Quality-of-Life (QOL) Research in Hospitality and Tourism Tourist Demand Estimation Tourism Development Tourism Impacts

Erica Frantz

Associate Professor of Comparative Politics · Michigan State University

Authoritarian politics, aristocratic rule and policy, democratization, conflict

Dictatorship Conflict Authoritarian Politics Democratization Development

Rebecca Spencer

Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Rebecca Spencer is one of the nation's leading researchers exploring the relationship between sleep and brain function.

Children and Napping Sleep and Learning Learning and Memory Children and Sleep Cognition

Felipa Chavez, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor | School of Psychology · Florida Tech

Dr. Chavez pursues a program of research reflecting issues of family dysfunction as seen through parent-child interactions.

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) Comorbid Parental Psychopathology Family Dysfunction Psychology Child Psychopathology

Lindsay Tedds

Associate Professor · University of Victoria

Associate Professor of economics with expertise in the design and implementation of tax policy.

Underground Economy Tax Avoidance Tax and Budget Policy Tax Second-hand Economy

Robyn Bluhm

Professor · Michigan State University

Robyn Bluhm's research and teaching focus on the intersection of neuroscience and medicine.

Jason Sellers

Associate Professor · University of Mary Washington

Jason R. Sellers is a cultural and environmental historian of 17th-and 18th-century North America interested in landscapes and bodies.

Environmental History Native American History Colonial North America

Jeffrey Miller

Dean of College of Engineering and Computer Sciences · Southern Utah University

Dr. Jeffrey Miller serves as the dean of the College of Engineering and Computational Sciences at Southern Utah University.

Computer Programming Ethics in Driverless Cars Vehicular Communications Software Engineering STEM Education and Learning

David Kaufman

Professor and Chair · Michigan State University

David Kaufman, D.O. Professor and Chair Dept of Neurology and Ophthalmology

Anjana Susarla

Omura-Saxena Professor in Responsible AI · Michigan State University

Anjana Susarla's research includes the economics of information systems, social media analytics and economics of artificial intelligence.

Responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI) Digital Transformation Social Media Analytics Machine Learning Causal Inference

Melissa Bemiller, PhD

Associate Professor of Social Sciences · Augusta University

Dr. Bemiller's research focuses on violent victimization: homicide, sex crimes, and portrayals of violence in mass media.

Sex Crimes Child Abuse Homicide Violent Victimization Portrayals of Violence in Mass Media

Jeremy M. Wilson

Professor · Michigan State University

Expert in brand protection, product counterfeiting, police staffing, police consolidation and violence prevention.

Internal Security Community Policing Police Consolidation Product Counterfeiting Brand Protection

Rosalyn Hobson Hargraves, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Rosalyn Hobson Hargraves is an associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Engineering Education and Service Learning Medical Image and Signal Processing Artificial Neural Network Applications Science and Technology in International Development

Phillip Coule, MD

Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, AU Health System & Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs · Augusta University

Phillip Coule is an expert in COVID-19 testing, hospital quality & safety, emergency medicine, disaster preparedness, and GRAChIE.

Coronavirus Mass Casualty Triage Emergency Medicine Hospital Quality and Safety Disaster Preparedness

John Bukowy, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. John Bukowy's area of expertise include software development and machine learning.

Patricia Tripp

Professor/Associate Director · University of Florida

Patricia Tripp has expertise with lower extremity injury, injury prevention, movement screening, clinical policy, and healthcare leadership.

Movement Screening Healthcare Leadership and Administration Lower Extremity Injury Athletic Training ACL Injury

Martha Belury

Professor, Human Sciences | College of Education and Human Ecology · The Ohio State University

Professor Belury conducts biological and nutritional research into how diet and lifestyle alter obesity, diabetes and metabolic disorders

Nutrition Nutrition & Disease Prevention Nutrition & Lifestyle Changes Nutrition & Wellness Nutrition (Eating Emotionally)

Ric Dragon

CEO · DragonSearch Marketing

Exhibiting artist, jazz drummer, speaker, writer, and a search marketing strategist.

Marketing Branding Social Media SEO