Omar Ibrahim, M.D.

Associate Professor of Medicine · University of Connecticut

Dr. Ibrahim's clinical interests include lung cancer, pleural disease, and complex airway disease.

Lung Disease Interventional Pulmonary Pulmonary Training Lung Cancer

Nabil Al-Tikriti

Associate Professor of History & American Studies · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Al-Tikriti has firsthand experience with Middle Eastern affairs, as a researcher, humanitarian and election monitor.

Forced Migration (Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons) Genocide Higher Education Humanitarian Affairs History of the Ottoman Empire

Jens O.M. Karlsson, PhD

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering | College of Engineering · Villanova University

Jens Karlsson, PhD, specializes in biothermal sciences, including cryobiology (cooling) and hyperthermic processes (heating).

Hyperthermic Processes Intracellular Ice Formation Cryopreservation Biophysical Mechanisms Cryosurgery

Kari Sampsel

Medical Director, Sexual Assault and Partner Abuse Care Program, Attending Staff Emergency Physician · The Ottawa Hospital, Department of Emergency Medicine & University of Ottawa

Emergency Medicine, Sexual Assault and Partner Abuse Clinician, Educator and Advocate

Emergency Medicine Sexual Assault Domestic Violence Intimate Partner Violence Sexual Assault Awareness

Daniel J. Meara, M.D., DMD, FACS

Chair, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery & Hospital Dentistry · ChristianaCare

Dr. Dan Meara leads ChristianaCare’s Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Hospital Dentistry.

Jaw and Mouth Pathology Facial Injury / Trauma Obstructive Sleep Apnea Oral Surgery Maxillofacial Surgery

Micah Berman

Assistant Professor I Moritz College of Law & College of Public Health · The Ohio State University

Micah Berman is assistant professor of public heath and law at Ohio State University and a member of the OSU Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Public Policy Public Health Legal Doctrine Tobacco Policy

Joan B. Rose

Homer Nowlin Chair in Water Research, Dept of Fisheries and Wildlife · Michigan State University

International expert in water and public health microbiology, studies viruses, source tracking and protozoa in water with new tools.

Wastewater Treatment and Reuse Microbial Source Tracking Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment Public Health Microbiology Environmental Virology

Martha Paynter

Registered Nurse, President of the Board · Wellness Within

Access to abortion, prison abolition, criminalization and reproductive health

Health Services Management Feminist Health Advocacy Childbirth Breastfeeding Pain Management

Bill Mase

Assistant Professor, Health Policy and Management · Georgia Southern University

Bill Mase has conducted studies and taught courses in public health, ethics and health policy.

Food Safety Evidence-Based Public Health Health Policy Ethics Epidemiology

Wei-Ning Wang, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Aerosol-enabled technologies towards addressing critical challenges in the sectors of energy, the environment, and human health.

Aerosol science and technology Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Environmental Science and Technology Heterogeneous Catalysis Materials Science and Engineering

Blake Collins, MBA, CBET, CHTM

Director of Clinical Engineering · ChristianaCare

Blake Collins is an expert in clinical engineering, leading one of the largest teams in the United States.

Clinical Engineering

Rebecca Puhl, Ph.D.

Deputy Director, Rudd Center for Food Policy and Health; Professor, Human Development and Family Studies · University of Connecticut

Clinical psychology expert, specializing in the study of bullying and weight stigmatization

Weight Discrimination Weight Stigma Weight-based bullying

Nazanin Hosseinkhah, PhD

Director of Special Projects · VieLight

Dr. Hosseinkhah joined Vielight to discover how light energy could be used to positively impact the brain and the body.

Medical Device Development Healthcare System Start-Up Market Research Ultrasound Imaging

Peter Santoro, M.D., FACS

Director of Robotic Surgery · ChristianaCare

Dr. Peter Santoro specializes in advanced robotic techniques, with special interests in complex abdominal wall hernia repair.

Abdominal Wall Reconstruction Minimally Invasive Surgery General Surgery Robotic Surgery Hernia Repair

Matthew Hoffman, M.D., MPH

Marie E. Pinizzotto, M.D., Endowed Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology · ChristianaCare

Dr. Matthew Hoffman has spearheaded national improvements in OB/GYN care and frequently speaks to the media about OB/GYN trends.

Preterm Birth Global Health Labor Complications Digital Outreach

Tara Alvarez

Professor and Director, Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Program · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Professor Alvarez conducts neuroscience research for helping patients recover their vision and for diagnosing other visual diseases.

Vision Therapy Virtual Reality Vision Neuroscience Biomedical Engineering

Dr. William E. Reichman

President and CEO · Baycrest

Overseeing one of the leading academic healthcare organizations specializing in complex specialized geriatric care and brain research.

Nutrition and the Aging Brain Mental Health and Aging Strategies for Remembering The Interactive Impact of Fitness and Brain Health Maintaining Autonomy: the Brain Fitness Movement

Niall Wallace

CEO · Infonaut

CEO at Infonaut Inc. - Evidence-based Hospital Infection Control

Infection Control Infectious Diseases Concept to Commercialization Hospital Hand Hygiene Compliance Disease Surveillance

Mariana Brussoni

Associate Professor · University of British Columbia

Brussoni's research focuses on child injury prevention, including risky play, parents' perspectives on safety, and Aboriginal injuries.

Injury Prevention Child Development Parenting Outdoor Play Higher Education

Maria Lima, MD

Assistant Professor · Section of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

A leading expert in reconstructive surgery and body contouring.

Abdominoplasty Pediatric Plastic Surgery Cleft lip and palate repair Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Body contouring after massive weight loss