Anne Wilson
Professor and Canada Research Chair in Social Psychology · Wilfrid Laurier University
Expert in identity, time, memory, goals, inequality, and cultural norms
Social Psychology Self/Identity Well-Being Psychology of change and stability Psychology of time and space
Anthony Mazeroll, PhD
Professor Environmental Studies · Soka University
Professor Mazeroll focuses on the behavioral ecology of fishes
Ecology of Amazonian Fishes Population Genetics Fish Ecology Fish Behaviour Observation Human Impact on the Environment
Rigoberto A. Lopez, Ph.D.
Professor · University of Connecticut
Professor Lopez is an expert in food systems, marketing, and industrial organization.
Food Systems Marketing Industrial Organization Public Policy
Andrea Korney
Vice President of Sustainability · J.S. Held LLC
Department of Energy Ambassador | Sustainability Thought Leader | Carbon Management Consultant | Energy & Mining Speaker
Social & Environmental Sustainability / ESG Environmental Risk & Compliance Oil & Gas, Renewable Energy Mining Supply Chain Management
Todd Royal
Author · Archway Publishing
To educate the public to be more energy literate.
Renewable and Sustainable Biofuels Emissions and Chemistry of Air Pollutants Solar and Wind Energy Fossil Fuels electricity industry
Annette Bergeron, P.Eng., MBA, FEC
Corporate Director · Electrical Safety Authority, Engineers Canada / Ingénieurs Canada
Experience in speaking & media on topics of women in STEM, women on boards, engineering regulation, advocacy, governance, policy, education
Governance, Not-For-Profit Regulation of Engineering, Regulation of Electrical Safety Advocacy for Engineering Engineering Education, post-secondary and professional development
Kenyon Lindeman, Ph.D.
Professor | Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences · Florida Tech
Dr. Lindeman applies multidisciplinary research to advance the sustainable management of coastal lands and fisheries.
Marine Protected Areas (MAPs) Climate Adaptation Fisheries Conservation Science Sustainability
Liette Vasseur
Professor and UNESCO Chair · Brock University
Working in Environmental sustainability, mainly sustainable agriculture and conservation
Plant biologist Pest management Ecosystem Management Ecosystem services Conservation Biology
Jeremy Firestone
Professor, Marine Science and Policy · University of Delaware
Prof. Firestone's major research focus is renewable energy transition.
Energy Justice Wind Power Climate Change Policy Renewable Energy Transition Renewable Energy
Glen Hodgson
Senior Vice-President and Chief Economist · The Conference Board of Canada
Turning the Telescope Around: Get the bigger picture on how macroeconomics influences public policy and the financial health of your country
Economic Forecasting International Business Productivity and Innovation Economic Analysis
Greg Tolley, Ph.D.
Expert in marine ecology · Florida Gulf Coast University
Greg Tolley studies estuaries, including the ecology of oyster reefs and the impact of freshwater inflow on estuarine ecosystems.
Science Education Water Quality Physiology of Estuarine Organisms Freshwater Inflow Estuaries and Estuarine Ecosystems
Thomas Pogge
Director, Global Justice Program ; Leitner Professor of Philosophy and International Affairs · Yale University
Examining solutions to issues of global inequality and justice in health care are long-standing concerns for this Yale professor & author
Justice in Health Care Social and Political Philosophy Ethics and Moral Philosophy Globalization and Inequality
Scott Yates
Founder · Blogmutt
Founder, CEO at Blogmutt. Author and Speaker
Startups Brain Pr and Marketing Today Patents and Ip Management of Different Generations
David Owens
Extension Specialist - Entomology · University of Delaware
Dr. Owens works with agricultural insect pest management
Nicholas Muller
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Nicholas Muller works at the intersection of environmental policy and economics.
Economics Air Pollution Environmental Policy Freight Transportation Market Inequality
Charli Carpenter
Professor of Political Science and Director of Human Security Lab · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Charli Carpenter's teaching and research interests include the protection of civilians, laws of war and humanitarian affairs.
International Relations World Politics Children Born of War Global Issue Networks Laws of War
Lisa Stephenson
Reader · Leeds Beckett
Lisa Stephenson's teaching and research specialism is creative (drama) learning.
Wellbeing Mental Health Education Culture Children
Jerome "Jay" Apt
Professor Emeritus · Carnegie Mellon University
Jay Apt is an emeritus professor at the Tepper School of Business and in the Department of Engineering and Public Policy.
Public Policy Physics Energy Risk Analysis Engineering
Julie Brigham-Grette
Professor of Earth, Geographic, and Climate Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Julie Brigham-Grette is an internationally-renowned expert on the Arctic’s climate history and sea-level rise.
Polar climate Arctic Science Sedimentology Glaciology Geological Mapping
Muneeza Sheikh
Partner · Levitt LLP
Muneeza Sheikh practices in the area of labour and employment law
Canadian Politics Diversity Engagement in the Workplace Human Rights in Canada Labour Law in Canada Employment Law in Canada