Joseph M. Flynn

Senior Cost Estimator · Global Water Experts

Construction Cost Estimation & Supervision

Construction Cost Estimation and Cash Flow Planning Lifecycle / Operations Maintenance and Monitoring Costs and Reporting Agency Negotiations to Obtain Cost-Effective Design Approvals and Avoid Construction Impacts Pre-Construction Bid Process Contractor Selection and Pre-Mobilization Planning Health & Safety Planning Construction Oversight Quality Control / Quality Assurance

Fumiko Hoeft

Professor and Campus Director, UConn Waterbury · University of Connecticut

Dr. Hoeft is a neurophysiologist, as well as a systems and developmental cognitive neuroscientist.

Neuroimaging Scientific Writing Neuroscience Science Life Sciences

Stacy Noel, MSN, FNP-BC, NC-BC, HTCP/I

Nursing Integrative Care Nurse Manager · ChristianaCare

Stacy Noel is the nursing integrative care nurse manager at ChristianaCare.

Holistic Nursing Integrative Care Healing Touch Certified Practitioner Healing Touch Certified Instructor Reiki Master

Tanya Rhodes Smith

Instructor in Residence and Director, Nancy A. Humphreys Institute for Political Social Work · University of Connecticut

Tanya Rhodes Smith specializes in policy development, nonprofit administration, voter engagement and legislative advocacy.

Social Work Education Nonpartisan Voter Registration Electoral Participation Social Workers in Elected Office Voter Registration, Education and Outreach in Community Agencies

Claire Cupples

Dean of Science and Professor of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry, Faculty of Science · Simon Fraser University

Dr. Cupples has worked as a scientist, faculty member and administrator in three Canadian comprehensive universities since 1989.

Molecular Biology Microbiology DNA Repair University Administration Science Outreach to the Public

Aashish Kumar

Professor of Radio, Television, Film · Hofstra University

Prof. Kumar is a social action scholar and a documentary filmmaker.

Filmmaking democratic discourse Civic Engagement grassroots advocacy

Reshma Shah

Professor in the Practice of Marketing · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Relationship Marketing Customer and Partner Retention Integrated Marketing Communications Brand and Category Management Marketing Processes and Performance

Stacey Havlik, PhD

Associate Professor of Education & Counseling | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Stacey Havlik, PhD, is an expert in school counseling, homeless children and youths, and first-generation college students.

First -Generation College Students School Counseling Homeless children and youths

Dr Nicola Logan

Professor in Optometry · Aston University

Dr Logan's current research interests include the development, progression and managment of myopia.

Optometry Myopia Control Myopia Development of Refractive Error

Sivaramakrishnan Balachandar

Distinguished Professor · University of Florida

Balachandar studies data-driven solutions of industrial and environmental multiphase flow processes from volcanic eruptions to fuel spray.

Petascale and Exascale Computing High-Speed Multiphase Flows Environmental Flows Turbulent Flow Multiphase Flow

Sara L. Dolan, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience; Associate Dean for Professional Development, Graduate School · Baylor University

Neuropsychological functioning and substance abuse treatment expert.

Substance abuse treatment Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Alcoholism Alcohol Abuse Ptsd

Jeff Cohen, Ph.D.

Professor of Real Estate and Finance · University of Connecticut

Jeffrey Cohen is an expert on how airport noise, transit and highway infrastructure improvements impact real estate.

Residential Real Estate Applied Spatial Econometrics Real Estate Economics and Finance Transportation and Real Estate

Marie Shanahan

Associate Professor · University of Connecticut

Professor Shanahan is an expert in the intersection of journalism and digital communication technology, online news and digital discourse.

News Literacy Digital Discourse Journalism Local news Media

Robert Quinn

Assistant Professor of Biochemistry · Michigan State University

Robert Quinn's current research is on how the human microbiome is a consortium of microorganisms living on and in our bodies.

Microbiome Cystic Fibrosis Bile Acid Metabolomics Microorganisms

Richard A. Wilson, Ph.D.

Gladstein Distinguished Chair of Human Rights and Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor · University of Connecticut

Dr. Wilson is an expert on hate speech and incitement on social media.

Human Rights Truth and Reconciliation Commissions Anthropology Human rights trials International Human Rights

Dustin Carnahan

Assistant Professor · Michigan State University

Dustin Carnahan's research focuses on how citizens engage with the political information environment.

Political Communications Political Science Political Information

Frederick Morgeson

Professor of Management · Michigan State University

Expert in leadership, recruiting and hiring, job analysis and design, talent management, and organizational psychology

Job Analysis and Design Team Leadership and Performance Recruiting and Hiring Human Resource Management Talent Management

Hezekiah L. Lewis III, MFA

Assistant Professor of Communication | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Hezekiah Lewis, MFA, is an expert on film, from both thematic and technical standpoints, and has directed and produced short films.

Communication Screenwriting Documentary Film Making Film Direction Film Studies

Meaghan Adams

Registered Physiotherapist / PhD candidate, Department of Kinesiology · University of Waterloo

PhD candidate in neuroscience, studying sensory changes after concussion. Sports & vestibular physiotherapist working in concussion rehab.

Concussion Rehabilitation Neuroscience Vestibular System Physiotherapy Concussions

Scott Bradley

VP Product Development · CENDUIT Limited

Scott Bradley is a digital and eClinical technology expert, business leader and entrepreneur.

Patient Engagement Technology Medical Devices