Brenda Elsey
Professor of History · Hofstra University
Specialist in Popular Culture and Politics, as well as Gender and Sports, in Twentieth Century Latin America.
Latin American Culture Latin American Politics Sports in Latin America Gender Studies
Christopher Hendricks
Interim Chair, History · Georgia Southern University
Christopher Hendricks' research focuses on early American architecture and town planning.
American Architectural History American Town Planning and Development Colonial and Early National America Eighteenth-Century Moravian Church
David Shirey
Owner · David Shirey - Passion & Process Meet Here
David Shirey, the new authority on confidence at work, teaches how to get it, grow it, & live it! Cut loose your people's belief in themselv
Sales and Confidence Leadership and Personal Development Choose to Succeed
Cheryl Grills
President's Professor, Psychology | Psychological Science · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Healing Racial Stress Positive Youth Development Community Psychology African-Centered Psychology