Cristina L. Archer
Professor, Geography and Spatial Sciences · University of Delaware
Prof. Archer's research interests include: renewable energy, wind power, climate change, and numerical modeling of atmospheric processes.
Air Quality Wind Power Renewable Energy Meteorology Climate Change
Christine Angelini
Associate Professor/Director · University of Florida
Christine Angelini is the founder and director of the Center for Coastal Solutions and is an expert in coastal ecosystems and restoration.
Water Quality Nature-based Solutions Coastal Engineering Coastal Ecology Coastal Resilience
Julie A. Hoggarth, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Anthropology · Baylor University
Researcher and teacher seeking to cultivate an understanding of the distinct ways of life of ancient populations
Radiocarbon dating Environmental Archaeology Art History Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions Archaeology
Cynthia Barnett
Journalist in Residence/Director · University of Florida
Cynthia Barnett is an environmental journalist who writes about water and climate issues.
Florida Ecology Climate Change Environmental Journalism Sustainability
David Wagner, Ph.D.
Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Behavior · University of Connecticut
Professor Wagner is an expert in caterpillars, butterflies, moths, insect conservation, global insect decline
Butterflies and Moths Caterpillars Entomology Invasive Species Impacts Insects
Kyle Davis
Assistant Professor, Geography and Spacial Sciences · University of Delaware
Prof. Davis' work focuses on food systems, water sustainability, and global environmental change.
Human Migration Nutrition Global Environmental Change Food Systems Sustainability
Nathan W. Chan
Associate Professor of Resource Economics · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Nathan Chan uses economic methods to examine challenges in environmental management and energy policy
Charitable Giving Environmental Management Environmental Public Goods Climate Change Mitigation Nonmarket Valuation
Francis Galgano, PhD
Associate Professor, Geography and the Environment | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Francis A. Galgano, PhD, specializes in coastal geography and military geography.
Piracy Environmental security Environmental Change Geophysical Processes Military Geography
Shane Wolffe
Founder · Future Proof Solutions
Future Proof: Building Sustainable Societies & Homes
Green Building Urban Design Climate Change Leadership Passive House Sustainable Development
Daniel Friess
Cochran Family Professor · Tulane University
Daniel "Dan" Friess is a researcher working to unveil the critical role that mangrove forests play in the fight against climate change.
Coastal Ecosystems Remote Sensing Mangrove Forests Blue Carbon Mangrove Ecosystems
Sönke Dangendorf
David and Jane Floweree Assistant Professor · Tulane Department of River-Coastal Science and Engineering
Dr. Dangendorf specializes in extreme sea levels, ocean tides and storm surges and the impact on coastal flooding.
Climate Change Storm Surge Extreme Sea Levels Ocean Tides
Dave Owen
Harry Sunderland '61 Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: / 415-703-8285 / Office 368-200
Environmental Law Natural Resources Law Water Law Administrative Law Water Resource Management
Hiba Baroud
Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering · Vanderbilt University
Expert in risk, reliability and resilience of critical infrastructure against climate change and natural disasters, particularly flooding.
Climate Change Flood Mitigation Natural Disasters Resilience modeling Interdependent Systems Data Analytics
G Philip (Phil) Robertson
University Distinguished Professor · Michigan State University
Agriculture and climate change (particularly mitigation strategies), bioenergy sustainability, and greenhouse gas emissions.
Soil Carbon Dynamics Climate Change Mitigation Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from Agriculture Climate change and agriculture Bioenergy Sustainability
Paulina Jaramillo
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Paulina Jaramillo is currently involved in research to understand the social, economic and environmental implications of energy consumption.
Sustainable Engineering Engineering and Public Policy Electric Power Systems Green Design Energy
Larisa DeSantis
Associate Professor of Biological Sciences · Vanderbilt University
Studies mammal teeth and bones to determine how they responded to ancient climate change and reasons why they went extinct.
saber-tooth cats Paleoecology Ancient Australian Animals Ancient Climate Change Paleontology
Dr. Ron Dembo
Founder and CEO · Zerofootprint Software Inc.
Easily filling even the biggest shoes and still leaving no mark, the CEO of Zerofootprint developed software to reduce environmental impacts
Energy Management Carbon Measurement and Management Renewable Energy Green Buildings Enterprise Risk Management
Katie Peek
Coastal Research Scientist · Western Carolina University
Katie Peek researches coastal vulnerability, climate change impacts, and natural hazard resilience using GIS.
Hazard Mapping Climate Change Adaptation Sea-Level Rise Coastal Processes Natural Hazard Vulnerability Assessments
Edwin "Win" Everham, Ph.D.
Expert on hurricanes and other disturbances and their ecological impact · Florida Gulf Coast University
Edwin Everham is an expert in ecological modeling and restoration ecology.
Water Resources Urban Ecology Impacts of Climate Change Restoration Ecology Hurricane Impacts on Ecosystems
John Jaeger
Associate Professor · University of Florida
John Jaeger researches the ways in which hurricanes have impacted Florida’s coastline.
Coastal Erosion Biodiversity and the Environment Sea Level Rise