Lisa Marshall

Author/Speaker/Host ·

Passionate about communication; your success is my business.

Networking Social Media Conflict Management Corporate Communication

Yutao Liu, MD, PhD

Associate Professor · Augusta University

Dr. Liu is a human molecular geneticist in glaucoma and keratoconus.

DNA Copy Number Analysis Animal Modeling Functional Genomics Human Molecular Genetics Next Generation Sequencing

Eric Durant, Ph.D., MBA, P.E.

Professor, Program Director · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Eric Durant's research focuses on real-time audio processing with a focus on hearing aids and artificial intelligence/deep learning.

Deep Learning Audio Processing Beamforming Electrical Engineering Computer Engineering

Dr Lola Canamero

Reader in Adaptive Systems and Head of the Embodied Emotion Cognition and (inter-) action Lab · University of Hertfordshire

Lola’s work explores the emotions between humans and robots, particularly when robots are used to provide therapy or learning opportunities.

Human-Robot Interaction Artificial Intelligence Robots Robots as Therapy

Karen Shackleford, Ph.D.

Doctoral Faculty - Media Psychology · Fielding Graduate University

Media violence; Fandom and the construction of meaning from media; Media, race and gender.

Media Psychology Media Effects Social Psychology Gender Race

David Feldman

Professor of Urban Planning & Public Policy and Political Science, Director of Water UCI · UC Irvine

David Feldman specializes in water resources management and policy, global climate change policy, ethics and environmental decisions.

Drought Sustainable Development Ethics and Environmental Decisions Water Resources Management Global climate change policy

Laurel Ofstein

Faculty Director, Burgess Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation · Michigan State University

Laurel Ofstein's research examines creativity, innovation and strategy within ecosystems, specifically entrepreneurial teams and incubators.

Management Innovation Entrepreneurship

Jonathan Corpus Ong

Associate Professor of Global Digital Media, Department of Communication · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Jonathan Corpus Ong's research areas are global media ethics, digital politics and the anthropology of humanitarianism.

Elections in the Philippines Media Ethics Global Media Studies Critical Disinformation Studies Sociology of Activist Organizations

Kate Einarson, Ph.D.

Knowledge Translation (KT) Specialist · Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital

I'm a behavioural scientist working to ensure that health research makes a difference. My favourite questions are "so what?" and "now what?"

Behavioral Science Knowledge Translation Dissemination and Implementation Science Communication Child Development

Jeffrey Morris, PhD

Assistant Professor, School of Computer and Cyber Sciences · Augusta University

Quantum Cryptography Quantum Computing Defense and Security Systems Engineering National Security

John Volakis

Professor & Chope Chair, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering | College of Engineering · The Ohio State University

Electrical engineering expert, focusing on computational electromagnetics

Wireless Communication and Propagation Antennas and Arrays RF Materials and Packaging RF Matching and Tunable Circuits RFIDs

Pamela Cross

Legal Director · Luke's Place Support and Resource Centre for Women

Advocate and expert on violence against women and the law

Violence Against Women Family Law Criminal Law Confidentiality and recordkeeping Organizational and Board development

Muira McCammon, PhD

Assistant Professor · Tulane University

Muira McCammon is an expert in digital culture, tech ethics, government comms, social media regulation, Gitmo and the legacy of 9/11.

Government Use & Regulation of Social Media U.S. laws governing the deletion and disappearance of federal records and archives Military Policy Researcher Digital Culture Information Policy

Zach Kelehear, EdD

Vice Provost, Instruction & Innovation · Augusta University

An educator with more than 25 years of experience, Dr. Zach Kelehear is a thought-leader on organizational change.

Instructional Leadership Organizational Change Personnel

Tom Cooper

Leadership Expert · BrightHill Group

Leadership Expert - helping you raise your game to the next level

Leadership Communication Sales Influence Strategy

Dustin Hahn

Associate Professor · Texas Christian University

Dr. Hahn's research examines the presence and use of production elements (such as statistics) in sports media and their effects on fans.

Sports Fanship Statistics in Media Sports Media Sport and Social Media

Carol Izumi

Clinical Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-581-8829 / Office 407-100

Consumer Law Alternative Dispute Resolution Mediation Clinical Law

Mika McKinnon

Geophysicist · Independent

Field geophysicist, disaster researcher, scifi science consultant, science writer, public speaker, irrepressible educator.

Disaster Risk Reduction Geophysics Science and Policy Science Fiction Science Fiction Film and Tv

April Dunford

Independent Marketing Executive · Rocket Launch Marketing

Aim for the sky but shoot for the stars! Rocket Launch Marketing's experienced startup marketing executive helps expansion-stage startups

Corporate Communications Marketing Strategy Startup Marketing Brand Development & Marketing Product Marketing Strategies

Jay Wierer, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Jay Wierer's areas of interest include engineering education, standards-based grading, and both music & statistical signal processing.

Engineering Education Music Signal Processing Statistical Signal Processing Control Systems Digital Signal Processing