Andre Souliere

President · Souliere Consulting

Employee Health and Safety


Karen Sedatole

Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Accounting · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Executive Compensation Performance Evaluation Reward Systems Performance Measures Interorganizational Collaboration

Robert Rycroft

Professor of Economics · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Rycroft focuses on the economics of inequality, poverty and discrimination.

Political Science Economic Analysis Editing Finance and Economics Political Economy

Jerry O’Dwyer

U.S. Sourcing & Procurement Leader, Deloitte Consulting LLP · Deloitte Services LLP

Where can I get... Having sourcing / procurement problems, not to worry! Deloitte LLP's supply chain magician can help your business find it

Sourcing and Procurement Supply Chain Analytics Global Supply Chain Best Practices

Lane Carasik, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Dr. Carasik researches computational and experimental thermal hydraulics and is the Director of the FAST Research Group.

Experimental Thermal-Fluids Thermal-Fluids Design Verification and Validation Computational Fluid Dynamics Additive Manufacturing

Jovan Jevtic

Adjunct Associate Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Jovan Jevtic is an expert in the areas of electromagnetic field theory, radio-frequency plasmas, and high-frequency circuits/antennas.

Charles Tritt, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Tritt is a biomedical engineer with additional expertise in chemical, computer, and electrical engineering.

AI Applications Computer Engineering Chemical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering

John Chandy, Ph.D.

Professor, School of Engineering · University of Connecticut

Professor focused on cybersecurity, computer hacking, Internet of Things, systems engineering, and computer hardware security.

Hardware Security Distributed System Architectures Distributed File Systems Network Storage Parallel Algorithms

Howie Choset

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Howie Choset's research reduces complicated high-dimensional problems found in robotics to low-dimensional simpler ones.

Field & Service Robotics Applied Mathematics Robotics and Autonomous Vehicles Computer Science Mechanical Systems

George Szekely

Founder and Principal · Evinco Consulting, LLC

George Szekely has run businesses world-wide and worked with people from over 30 nations and lived on three continents.

Transformational Consulting and Coaching Organizational Development in Cross-Cultural Setting Team Building in Cross-Cultural Setting Strategic Thinking and Business Development Employment Networks

Anne Sophie Dorey

International Marketing/Distribution Procurement Manager · Miller Weldmaster

International Marketing/Distribution Procurement Manager at Miller Weldmaster

French Manufacturing Spanish

Bern Grush

Strategy | Vice President Innovation · Grush Niles Strategic | PayBySky

Transportation innovator, writer, speaker. Deployment and social policy: automated vehicles, parking, mobility as a service, & road tolling.

Autonomous Vehicles Self-driving cars Driverless cars Parking Reform Road Tolling

Gregory DeFreitas

Professor of Economics, Director of the Center for the Study of Labor and Democracy · Hofstra University

Prof. DeFreitas is an expert on labor studies.

Labor Economics Research Methods Urban Economics Microeconomics African Economic Development

Victor Assad

CEO · Victor Assad Strategic HR Consulting

I consult, speak, and write about improving recruiting, HR operations, leaders, teams, and cultures. My new book is, "Hack Recruiting."

Executive Search Recruiting and Hiring Executive Coaching Strategy Execution Human Resource

Faisal Shaikh, Ph.D.

Professor, Program Director · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Faisal Shaikh's areas of expertise include chemical engineering, biotechnology and microfluidics (lab on a chip).

Reaction Engineering Materials Science Biomolecular Engineering Chemical Engineering Characterization

Omar Khan

Head, School of Architecture · Carnegie Mellon University

Advanced Manufacturing Artificial Intelligence

Frank A. Gulla

Professor of the Practice, Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering.

Engineering Education Process Control Engineering Manufacturing Engineering Total Quality Management

Michael Burt

Director, Industrial Economic Trends · The Conference Board of Canada

And now, the weather: Find out which way the wind is blowing when it comes to forecasting trends in the industrial sectors of the economy

Industrial Economic Analysis Private Sector Economic Analysis

John Schueller

Professor · University of Florida

John Schueller has a long career in public and private sectors working in mechanical engineering and agricultural engineering.

Agricultural Equipment Metalcutting Manufacturing Off-Road Vehicles Precision Agriculture

Hugh Jack

Professor · Western Carolina University

Hugh Jack holds degrees in both electrical and mechanical engineering.

Lean Manufacturing Manufacturing Engineering Robotics Higher Education