Barry Setlow
Professor · University of Florida
Barry Setlow focuses on understanding the neural and behavioral mechanisms of substance use disorders and aging.
Aging Neuroscience Impulsivity Memory Animal Models
Michael Yassa
Professor and Chancellor’s Fellow · UC Irvine
Michael Yassa is interested in how learning and memory mechanisms are altered in aging and neuropsychiatric disease.
Neurobiology and Behavior Aging and Alzheimer's Disease Memory and Disease Memory Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Ilia Delio, OSF, PhD
Josephine C. Connelly Endowed Chair in Theology| College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Sister Ilia Delio, OSF, PhD, works to find a new unity and synthesis in science and religion.
Theology Neuroscience Artificial Intelligence and Becoming Culture and Religion Catholicity
Jason Moser
Associate Professor · Michigan State University
Multi-method approaches to self-regulation deficits in anxiety.
Therapy Affective Science Neuroscience Anxiety Cognitive Science
Joshua Grill
Director of the Institute for Memory Impairments and Nerological Disorders at UCI · UC Irvine
Joshua Grill directs a major Alzheimer's disease research institute helps lead the national strategy for AD clinical trial recruitment.
Neuroscience Clinical Trials Alzheimer’s Disease Neurodegenerative disorders Recruitment and Retention
Joseph Toscano, PhD
Assistant Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences; Director, Cognitive Science Program | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Joseph Toscano, PhD, is an expert in human speech recognition and language comprehension through the study of brain and behavior.
Psychology Cognitive Psychology Perception and Language Speech Communication Language Development
Michael Tarr
Professor and Department Head · Carnegie Mellon University
Michael Tarr is an expert in visual perception and how the brain transforms 2D images into high-level percepts.
Cognitive Neuroscience Cognitive Science Computational Perception
Chien-Te "Vince" Wu
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Chien-Te Wu studies cognition, perception, EEG-based diagnostic assistance system, social decision making, and cognitive intervention.
Mental Health Cognitive Aging Cognitive Neuroscience Cognitive Intervention
Shawn Loewen
Professor; Associate Chair for Graduate Studies · Michigan State University
Shawn Loewen's research includes instructed second language acquisition, second language interaction and quantitative research methodology.
Second Language Studies Second Language Acquisition Quantitative Research Methods Quantitative Research Methodology
Dr Stuart Greenhill
Senior Lecturer in Neuroscience · Aston University
Dr Greenhill's research is focussed on neuroscience, epilepsy and synaptic plasticity.
Schizoprenia Pharmacology Electrophysiology Neuroscience Epilepsy
Shaun Hays
Speaker, Cosultant, Author, Artist · Shaun Hays Presentations
Exciting and relevant keynote speaker / world renown speed chalk artist - unforgettable!
Healthy Life Choices Overcoming Challenges Success Attitude! Motivation
Professor Helen Dawes
Professor of Movement Science and Director for the Centre for Movement, Occupational and Rehabilitation Sciences · Oxford Brookes University
Her expertise is in human movement and optimising performance of the body - through understanding the mechanisms of movement.
Elite Athletes Mental Health Rehabilitation Human Movement Exercise
Eric Fortune
Associate Professor · New Jersey Institute of Technology
Eric Fortune specializes in evolutionary biology, specifically the mechanisms and evolution of animal behavior.
Locomotion Birds Biology Neuroscience Evolutionary Biology
Steven Weisberg
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Steven Weisberg studies the cognitive neuroscience of human spatial navigation, why people differ, and how to improve spatial behavior.
Memory Aging Cognitive Neuroscience Virtual Reality Spatial Navigation
Guogen Shan
Professor · University of Florida
Guogen Shan is an expert in longitudinal data analysis, cognitive neuroscience, and clinical trial design and analysis.
Alzheimer's Disease Longitudinal Data Analysis Clinical Trials Design & Analysis Cognitive Neuroscience
Wei-en Wang
Research Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Wei-en Wang researches brain imaging (EEG, MRI, PET) and its applications in cognitive and motor impairments.
Cortical Oscillations Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias Neuroscience and the Brain Neuroscience Structural and Functional Imaging
Alona Fyshe
Assistant Professor · University of Victoria, Computer Science Department
Machine Learning and the Neuroscience of Language Understanding
Machine Learning Neuroscience and Language Computational Linguistics Natural Language Processing Data Analysis and Data Mining
Suzana Herculano-Houzel
Associate Professor of Psychology · Vanderbilt University
Neuroscientist and international expert in how brain size and structure affect cognition and longevity in animals.
Evolution Neuroscience Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience Neurons Intelligence
Jacob T. Fisher
Assistant Professor · Michigan State University
Dr. Jacob T. Fisher's research is positioned at the intersection of digital technology, attention, and decision making.
Network Analysis Neuroscience Media Psychology Attention Multitasking
Stephanie Willerth
Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Biomedical Engineering · University of Victoria
I run an internationally recognized research group focused on stem cell bioengineering.
Stem Cells Biomaterials Drug Delivery Systems Tissue Engineering Neuroscience