Bob Hoell
Associate Professor · Georgia Southern University
Bob Hoell is an expert in labor relations and human capital management.
Labor Relations Human Capital Management Human Resource Information Systems
Kui Xie
Chairperson and Professor, Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education · Michigan State University
Kui Xie's research investigates areas related to motivation and engagement in digital learning.
Digital Learning Educational Technology Artificial Intelligence Motivation
Larry Fennigkoh, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Dr. Larry Fenningkoh's areas of expertise include forensic engineering, control of medical error and medical instrumentation design.
Biomedical Engineering Medical Devices Clinical Engineering Medical Imaging
Barbara Shinn-Cunningham
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Barbara Shinn-Cunningham's research explores such issues as how do we make sense of speech and other sounds.
Non-Invasive Brain Monitoring Mathematical & Statistical Methods Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Characterization of Neural Circuits
Shannon Manning
MSU Foundation Associate Professor · Michigan State University
Expert in Microbial Pathogenesis and Molecular Epidemiology
Coronavirus Molecular Epidemiology Microbiology Escherichia coli Group B Streptococcus
Sandra M. Chafouleas
Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor of Educational Psychology · University of Connecticut
Professor Chafouleas is an expert on whole child, school mental health, behavioral assessment, and K12 tiered systems of support.
Multi-Tiered Frameworks Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model Social-Emotional-Behavioral Assessment School Mental Health Trauma-Informed Schools
Jennifer Reynolds
President & CEO · Women in Capital Markets
Advocate for the advancement of women in the capital markets and for increasing the representation of women in leadership in Canada.
Women in Capital Markets Capital Markets Venture Capital Investment Banking Private Equity
Dr Oleksandr Shepotylo
Senior Lecturer, Economics, Finance and Entrepreneurship · Aston University
Dr Shepotylo seeks to answer the question of how do firms, industries, and countries grow by integrating into global markets.
Spatial Economics Productivity International Trade HB Economic Theory Trade Policy
Kartik Ariyur
Assistant Professor · Purdue University
Assistant Professor at Purdue University
Matlab Algorithms Simulations Controller Design Health Monitoring
Kate McInturff
Director · Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Kate McInturff is director of the CCPA's initiative on gender equality and public policy, Making Women Count.
Gender Equality Policy Analysis Family policy Labour Economics Budget and Tax Policy
Elisabeth Gugl
Associate Professor · University of Victoria
Dr. Gugl's main research is in family economics, an area that investigates issues such as family formation and dissolution
Family Economics Microeconomic Theory Public Finance Labour Economics Family Formation and Dissolution
William Bell
Entrepreneur, Speaker, Author, Inbound Marketing Professional
William Bell, Inbound Marketing Strategies and Branding Through Content
Blogging for Business
Lillian Cassel, PhD
Professor of Computing Sciences | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Lillian N. Cassel, PhD, is an expert on information storage, classification, retrieval and networking.
Digital Libraries Web-based Information Retrieval Data Science Education Women in Computer Science
Claire Cupples
Dean of Science and Professor of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry, Faculty of Science · Simon Fraser University
Dr. Cupples has worked as a scientist, faculty member and administrator in three Canadian comprehensive universities since 1989.
Molecular Biology Microbiology DNA Repair University Administration Science Outreach to the Public
Michelle Grimes
Associate Professor of Child Clinical Psychology · Southern Utah University
A licensed psychologist specializing in clinical child psychology, principles of phycological assessment, and sibling conflict resolution
ADHD Acceptance and Committment Therapy (Act) Anxiety Behavior Disorders in Children Behavioral Health
Maoyu Zhang
Post-Doctoral Fellow in Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Nonparametric Statistics Tensor data analysis Networks and graphs Statistical depth
Anna Errore
Assistant Professor in the Practice of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Experimental Design Six Sigma Business Statistics
Stacey Curtis
Clinical Associate Professor/Assistant Dean · University of Florida
Stacey Curtis is passionate about student development through teaching and community pharmacy practice.
Wellness and Well-being Pharmacy Management Community Pharmacy Immunizations Over-the-Counter Medications
Luke Gusukuma, Ph.D.
Associate Professor · VCU College of Engineering
Luke teaches Computer Science (CS) and does research in CS Education. He focuses on the design and delivery of feedback and instruction.
Computer Science Education
Magnus Egerstedt
Stacey Nicholas Dean of Engineering · UC Irvine
Magnus Egerstedt is a leading research on control theory, complex networks and robotics.
Multi-system robots Mobile Sensor Networks Complex networks (e.g., optimization and control, resource sharing, dimension reduction) Control Theory Robotics