Eva Lefkowitz, Ph.D.

Professor, HDFS · University of Connecticut

Dr. Lefkowitz's research focuses on sexual health across adolescence and the transition to adulthood

Sexuality Sexual Behavior Adolescence Risky Behaviors Romantic Relationships

Kathryn L. Humphreys

Associate Professor of Psychology and Human Development · Vanderbilt University

A clinical psychologist with expertise in infant mental health.

tender age detainment centers Infants and Toddlers Orphanages Parent child separations Migrant Youth

Eric Layland

Assistant Professor · University of Delaware

Prof. Layland bridges LGBTQ+ developmental research to community impact.

LGBTQ+ Developmental Research Health Disparities Health Equity Quantitative Research LGBTQ+ Advocacy

Hawley Almstedt

Professor of Health and Human Sciences · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Nutrition Global Nutrition Nutrition & Wellness Nutrition Service Learning Exercise Physiology

Biplab Datta, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Health Management, Economics, and Policy · Augusta University

Dr. Datta’s research explores the niche areas in the junction of public health and economics.

Global Health Health Economics Non-Communicable Diseases Healthcare Financing Socioeconomic Determinants of Health

Hui Liu

Assistant Professor of Sociology · Michigan State University

Hui Liu is an expert in the relationship between health and relationships, including marriage, divorce, and ethnic minorities.

Aging Marriage Health Family Medicine

David Dodell-Feder

Assistant Professor of Psychology · University of Rochester

David Dodell-Feder's research looks at the processes that contribute to healthy and disordered social functioning, and their improvement.

Empathy Behavioral Methods Psychotic Spectrum Disorders Neuroimaging Relationship Psychology

Professor Helen Dawes

Professor of Movement Science and Director for the Centre for Movement, Occupational and Rehabilitation Sciences · Oxford Brookes University

Her expertise is in human movement and optimising performance of the body - through understanding the mechanisms of movement.

Elite Athletes Mental Health Rehabilitation Human Movement Exercise

Allen Friedland, M.D., MACP, FAAP

Section Chief of Medicine-Pediatrics · ChristianaCare

Dr. Allen Friedland specializes in medical education and primary care in internal medicine and pediatrics.

Special Health Care Needs Medicine-Pediatrics Medical Education Medicine Pediatrics

Micah Berman

Assistant Professor I Moritz College of Law & College of Public Health · The Ohio State University

Micah Berman is assistant professor of public heath and law at Ohio State University and a member of the OSU Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Public Policy Public Health Legal Doctrine Tobacco Policy

Sarah A. Schnitker, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology & Neuroscience · Baylor University

Sarah A. Schnitker is an expert in the study of patience, self-control, gratitude, generosity, and thrift.

Personal Goals Adolescent Interventions Spirituality Thrift Gratitude

Elizabeth Culatta, PhD

Assistant Profoessor · Augusta University

My research program concentrates on how identity processes affect health, especially during the transition to adulthood.

Sexual Harassment Mental Health Identity Processes in Transition to Adulthood Sociology of health and illness Sociology of Health Care

Charmaine Smith Wright, M.D., MSHP

Director of the Center for Special Health Care Needs · ChristianaCare

Dr. Charmaine Smith Wright is director of ChristianaCare's Center for Special Health Care Needs.

Disabilities and Health Care Internal Medicine Pediatrics

Rebecca Puhl, Ph.D.

Deputy Director, Rudd Center for Food Policy and Health; Professor, Human Development and Family Studies · University of Connecticut

Clinical psychology expert, specializing in the study of bullying and weight stigmatization

Weight Discrimination Weight Stigma Weight-based bullying

Dr Maria Maynard

Reader in Public Health Nutrition · Leeds Beckett

Expertise in the health & diets of minority ethnic & migrant communities - exploring nutrition-related inequalities, obesity & diabetes.

Communities Obesity Nutrition Migrant Health Diet and Inequality

Angie Kennedy

Associate Professor of Social Work · Michigan State University

Angie Kennedy's research focuses on different types of victimization among adolescents and young adults.

Mental Health Partner Rape family violence Victimization Among Young Adults Victimization Among Children

Dr Maria Maynard

Reader in Public Health Nutrition · Leeds Beckett University

Expertise in the health & diets of minority ethnic & migrant communities - exploring nutrition-related inequalities, obesity & diabetes.

Communities Obesity Nutrition Migrant Health Diet and Inequality

Darlene Kertes

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Darlene Kertes’ research examines the role of life experiences and epigenetic processes on activity of stress-sensitive systems.

Antecedents Psychchology

Elaine Hyshka

Assistant Professor, School of Public Health · University of Alberta

Professor Hyshka is a health services and policy researcher focused on reducing the health, social, and economic costs of substance misuse.

Harm Reduction Opioids Cannabis Drug Policy Substance misuse

Marc Freedman

CEO and Founder · Encore.org

An award-winning social entrepreneur, frequent commentator in the national media, and the author of multiple books

Retirement Baby Boomers Aging Careers