Chibuzo Ukegbu
Assistant Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Chibuzo Ukegbu's research focuses on formal verification and analysis of industrial control systems software.
Software Engineering Cloud Security Computing Cloud Infrastructure Deployment Automation and Configuration Management
George A. Kantor
Research Professor / Associate Director of Education · Carnegie Mellon University
George Kantor has been developing robotic technologies to address problems in agriculture and scientific exploration for 15 years.
Underwater Robotics Robotics in Agriculture and Forestry Field & Service Robotics Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Mining Robotics
Anjana Susarla
Omura-Saxena Professor in Responsible AI · Michigan State University
Anjana Susarla's research includes the economics of information systems, social media analytics and economics of artificial intelligence.
Responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI) Digital Transformation Social Media Analytics Machine Learning Causal Inference
Elizabeth Chodos
Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Elizabeth Chodos has focused her career on promoting the work of contemporary artists through higher education and public programming.
Higher Education Public Art Arts and Creative Expression Contemporary Art Curatorial Practice
Ellen Snortland
Think Globally, Act Locally, Personal Safety is as Local as You Can Get!
Personal Safety Physical Literacy Self-Defense Safety for Real Estate Professionals Safety for Airline Personnel
Nikos Tziolas
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Nikos Tziolas develops interpretable AI techniques and integrated sensing systems to support informed decision-making in agriculture.
Soil Science Deep Learning Spectroscopy AI Artificial Intelligence
Martin Kang, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Information Systems and Business Analytics, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University
Econometrics Empirical Analysis Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Data Science
Eric Yttri
Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Eric Yttri's research goal is to establish how neural circuits lead to these action selection decisions.
Motor Coordination Cognitive Brain Function Neural Circuits Neuroscience
Rita Singh
Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Rita Singh works on core algorithmic aspects of computer voice recognition and artificial intelligence applied to voice forensics.
IoT Security and Privacy Formal Methods AI and ML for Security Cryptography Emerging Applications Security
Juraj Bednar
partner, strategy · DIGMIA s.r.o.
mapping unconventional corners of real and imaginary worlds
Bitcoin It Security Server Architecture
Valerie Karplus
Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Valerie Karplus studies resource and environmental management in organizations operating in diverse national and industry contexts.
Strategy Political Economy Globalization Energy Economic Development
Laurence Ales
Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Laurence Ales' research interests include macroeconomics, optimal taxation, and contract theory.
Disruptive Technologies Tax Policy Economics Optimal Taxation Macroeconomics
Kiel Brennan-Marquez
Professor and William T. Golden Scholar · University of Connecticut
Prof. Brennan-Marquez is an expert on human judgment and the role of courts in the age of big data and algorithmic decision-making.
The Fourth Amendment Policing Over-Criminalization Law and Technology Constitutional Law
Julie McCown
Associate Professor of English · Southern Utah University
Specializing in early American natural history, post-humanism, and digital humanities theory
Artifical Intelligence Ecocriticism Race and Nature in Early American Literature Early American Novels Composition
John Bukowy, Ph.D.
Associate Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Dr. John Bukowy's area of expertise include software development and machine learning.
Jennifer Carter-Johnson
Associate Professor of Law; Associate Dean for Academic Affairs · Michigan State University
Professor Jenny Carter-Johnson focuses her interests on intellectual property law, food and drug regulation and bioethics.
Biological Research & the Law Patent Law
Derek Buzasi, Ph.D.
Expert in astrophysics, spaceflight and optics · Florida Gulf Coast University
Derek Buzasi's research involves almost anything to do with stars or the sun.
Stars Asteroseismology Nonlinear Dynamics Satellites and Spaceflight Exoplanets
Paige Merring, MSN, RN, CCRN
Nursing Excellence Manager · ChristianaCare
Paige Merring, MSN, RN, CCRN, NEA-BC, is the Nursing Excellence Manager at ChristianaCare.
Nursing Leadership Professional Governance Magnet
Sheng Lu
Professor, Fashion and Apparel Studies · University of Delaware
Prof. Lu's research focuses on the economic and business aspects of the global textile and apparel industry.
Textile and Apparel Industries International Trade Sustainability Issues Trade Policy Fashion and Apparel
Anand Rao
Professor of Communication and Department Chair · University of Mary Washington
Dr. Rao specializes in communication and social media issues.
Debate Social Media Public Speaking Communication