William Heyborne

Dean of College of Natural Sciences and Professor of Biology · Southern Utah University

Higher education leader facilitating the development of faculty, staff, and students.

Ecology and Evolution of Insects and Arachnids Herpetology Entomology Zoology Amphibians

Steve Johnson

Professor · University of Florida

Steve Johnson is an expert in natural history and amphibian and reptile conservation. Steve has worked extensively with imperiled species.

Amphibians Cane Toads Cuban Treefrogs Crocodilians Frogs

Aaron M. Bauer, PhD

Professor and Gerald M. Lemole Endowed Chair in Integrative Biology · College of Liberal Arts and Sciences | Villanova University

Aaron Bauer, PhD, is a leading expert on reptiles, with a specialty in geckos, systematics and biogeography.

Natural History Collections Vertebrate Morphology Reptiles Systematics Biogeography

John Taylor

Professor of Biology · Southern Utah University

Specializing in bat research, collegiate program development, STEM education, and professional development

Herpetology Impact of Biological Problems on Human Affairs Collegiate Program Development STEM Education and Policy Biological Education

Mark C. Urban, Ph.D.

Professor, Arden Chair of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology · University of Connecticut

Dr. Urban is an expert on climate change impacts on biodiversity and evolutionary ecology of vernal pools, lakes, and streams

Predictive Modeling Eco-Evolution Climate Change Extinction Risk Biodiversity

Charles "Billy" Gunnels, Ph.D.

Expert in animal behavior and urban ecology · Florida Gulf Coast University

Billy Gunnels examines the interaction between humans and animals.

Animal Behavior Urban Ecology Wildlife Ecology Biological Stats Wasps

David Blackburn

Curator/Chair · University of Florida

David Blackburn is an evolutionary biologist specializing in amphibians at the Florida Museum of Natural History.

New Species Anatomy Evolution Amphibians Frogs

Kurt Schwenk, Ph.D.

Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Behavior · University of Connecticut

Professor Schwenk studies the functional morphology and evolution of lizards and snakes.

Reptiles Lizards Phenotypic Evolution Evolutionary Biology Ecology