Devon Lantagne
Visiting Assistant Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Devon Lantagne specializes in embedded systems, biomedical instrumentation, and linear circuit analysis.
Linear Circuits Engineering Education Signal Processing Biomedical Instrumentation Embedded Systems
Toufiq Reza, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor | Biomedical and Chemical Engineering and Sciences · Florida Tech
Dr. Reza's research interests involve converting wastes to biofuels.
Biomass Conversion Waste Valorization Waste to Energy Biomaterials Biofuels
Professor Richard Martin
Reader, Electrical, Electronic & Power Eng, Aston Institute of Materials Research (AIMR) · Aston University
Dr Martin's research interests include bioactive glass and structural studies.
Advanced Imaging Structural Studies Bioactive Glass Glass Neutron Scattering
Charlie Kemp
Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE
Charlie Kemp is an expert on robots for intelligent physical assistance and is passionate about enabling robots to help people.
Intelligent Systems Mobile Manipulation Healthcare Robotics Assistive Robotics Human-Robot Interaction
John Baumann
National Speakers Association Inspirational Speaker · JK Success Enterprises, LLC
Embrace Adversity & Reclaim Positive Perspective Inspirational Speaker
Reclaiming Posi-Spective (Positive Perspective)
Patricia Oliver
Associate Professor of Communication Studies · Loyola Marymount University
College of Communication & Fine Arts
Communication Studies Public Speaking Gender Communication Rhetoric of Women
Cherie Stabler
Professor/Chair · University of Florida
Cherie Stabler’s research centers on engineering translational biomaterial platforms for cell-based therapies, particularly Type 1 diabetes.
Immunomodulation Diabetes Tissue Engineering Regenerative Medicine Biomaterials
René Olivares-Navarrete, D.D.S, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering | D.D.S, National Autonomous University of Mexico | Ph.D., National Autonomous University of Mexico · VCU DEPT OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING
Olivares-Navarrete’s research focuses on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine approaches for Craniofacial and Orthopaedic needs.
Tissue Engineering Stem Cell Biology and Engineering Biomaterials for Craniofacial and Musculoskeletal Tissues Immunomodulation and Immunoengineering Wnt Signaling in Morphogenesis Healing and Regeneration
Sambeeta Das
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering · University of Delaware
Prof. Das’s research spans robotics, autonomous systems, physics, organic chemistry and materials engineering.
Biomechanical Engineering Clean Energy & Environment Materials Engineering Biomechanics Fluid Mechanics
Tom Swiontek, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Dr. Tom Swiontek is a biomedical engineering and electrical engineering expert.
Biomedical Engineering Engineering Education Electrical Engineering
Helen Boswell
Professor of Biology · Southern Utah University
Specializes in animal behavior and evolution, with research emphasis on teaching and outreach strategies.
Outreach Education Scientific Literacy Animal Behavior Evolutionary Biology
Ning Zhang, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering · VCU College of Engineering
Professor Zhang is engineering strategies for the treatment of traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury and brain stroke
Stem Cell Biology Central nervous system trauma and diseases Biomaterials for oral biofilm prevention
Xiaobo Tan
MSU Research Foundation Professor and Richard M. Hong Endowed Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering · Michigan State University
Expert in robotic fish, mobile sensing in aquatic environments
Soft Robotics Underwater Robotics Underwater Sensing
Lewis Franklin Bost, MBA, IDSA, FAIMBE
Professor Emeritus | Bachelor Product Design, NCSU l Masters of Business Administration, UNC · VCU College of Engineering
Professor Bost's research focuses on innovation, device design and development processes
Innovation Device Design Development Processes Entrepreneurial Business Strategy Commercialization
Karl Peace
Professor, Georgia Cancer Coalition Distinguished Cancer Scholar, Jiann-Ping College of Public Health · Georgia Southern University
Karl Peace researches biostatistics, clinical trials and drug research and development.
Clinical Trials Pharmaceutical Research Health & Disease Health Sciences Biostatistics
Emily Day
Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering · University of Delaware
Prof. Day engineers drug & biomolecule nanocarriers for targeted treatment of cancers, blood disorders, and reproductive health conditions.
Precision Medicine Drug Delivery Translational Research Gene Regulation Phototherapy
Barbara Shinn-Cunningham
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Barbara Shinn-Cunningham's research explores such issues as how do we make sense of speech and other sounds.
Non-Invasive Brain Monitoring Mathematical & Statistical Methods Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Characterization of Neural Circuits
Elizabeth Croft
Associate Dean, Education and Professional Development, Faculty of Applied Science; Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Director, Collaborative Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems Laboratory · University of British Columbia
Professor Croft's research investigates how robotic systems can operate efficiently and effectively in partnership with people
Robotics Mechanical Engineering Human Robot Interaction Community Outreach Student Recruitment
Christopher H. Contag
James and Katherine Cornelius Chair; John A. Hannah Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Microbiology & Molecular Genetics; Director, Institute for Quantitative Health Science and Engineering · Michigan State University
Expert in biomedical engineering and molecular imaging
Photomedicine Molecular Imaging Neonatal and Developmental Medicine Microbiology & Immunology Radiology
Shayla Sawyer
Professor, Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Focused on engineering processes and potential applications of hybrid inorganic/organic materials for optoelectronic devices and sensors
Hybrid Nanomaterials Nano-Bio Optoelectronics Sensor Development Ultraviolet Photodetectors