Christian Appy

Professor of History and Director of the Ellsberg Initiative for Peace and Democracy · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Christian Appy has written three books on the Vietnam War and heads the Ellsberg Initiative for Peace and Democracy

The Vietnam War Whistle-blowers Daniel Ellsberg U.S. Foreign Policy 20th and 21st Century U.S. History

Sariya Cheruvallil-Contractor

Assistant Professor in faith and peaceful relations · Coventry University

Dr Sariya Cheruvallil-Contractor specialises in how people engage with religion and with religious beliefs.

Diversity Muslim Women Inter-faith relations Religion Islam

Heidi Hardt

Associate Professor of Political Science · UC Irvine

Hardt is an expert on NATO, international organizations, defense, security, military ops and gender.

Defense Organizational Change Military Operations US Foreign Policy‎‎ International Organizations

Kimberly Martin Tecklenberg

Assistant Professor · Georgia Southern University

Dr. Kimberly Martin Tecklenberg teaches courses in American politics, research methods, leadership, and public policy.

Campaigns & Elections State Politics Education Policy Public Policy Leadership

Robbie Albert

Managing Partner · The Riverdale Group

An innovator that works at the intersection of information services, digital media and SaaS software

Business Development Strategic Planning Go to Market Strategies Marketing Strategy Brand Strategy

Hal Herzog

Professor Emeritus · Western Carolina University

Hal Herzog has been investigating the complex psychology of our interactions with other species for more than two decades.

Animal Ethics Animal Welfare Human Sexuality Biological Psychology Animal Sciences

Vera Gorbunova

Doris Johns Cherry Professor Professor of Biology and Co-Director of the Rochester Aging Research Center · University of Rochester

Gorbunova's innovative research on DNA repair and the aging process has been internationally recognized

Lifespan Human Development Longevity Biology of Aging DNA Repair Cancer Resistance

Don Power

Speaker, Author, Social Media Consultant & Editor of Sprout Insights · Sprout Social, Inc. & Don Power.COM

Social Media Is the Best Opportunity Engine the World Has Ever Known! Are You Using It to Its Full Potential? I Show You How!

Social Media Twitter Social Media Marketing The Secret to Social Media Success How to Use Social Media for Business

Sophie Bjork-James

Assistant Professor of the Practice in Anthropology · Vanderbilt University

Expert on the U.S.-based religious right and the white nationalist movement, particularly online communities.

Conservative Christianity Religion White Nationalism Reproductive Politics Race and Racism

Steven M. Lepowsky, D.D.S.

Dean, School of Dental Medicine · University of Connecticut

Steven M. Lepowsky currently serves as the Dean of the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine

Dentistry Oral Surgery

Vincent Conitzer

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Vincent Conitzer is an expert in ethics and AI.

Ethics in AI Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence Computer Science

Dannagal Young

Professor, Communication · University of Delaware

Prof. Young's research interests include political media effects, media psychology, public opinion and the psychology of misinformation.

Psychology of Political Beliefs Public Opinion Political Media Effects Media Psychology Intersection of Entertainment and Information

John Henson, MD

Professor of Medicine, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Pediatrics · Augusta University

Dr. Henson practices neuro-oncology in the MCG Brain Tumor Program and manages patients with neurofibromatosis and related genetic disorders

Hereditary Cancer Neurofibromatosis Genetics Neuro-Oncology Spine Tumors

Francine Berman

Stuart Rice Honorary Chair and Research Professor, Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Francine Berman is a data scientist whose work focuses on the social and environmental impacts of information technology.

Gender and whistleblowing Social impacts of Technology Internet of Things Data Stewardship and Cyberinfrastructure Public Interest Technology

Erin Calipari

Associate Professor of Pharmacology · Vanderbilt University

Expert in the neuroscience of mental illness and addiction, including gender differences.

Opioids adaptive processes self-administered drugs Dopamine Addiction and Recovery

Anthony Greenfield

Director · The 5 Forces of Change

Leading speaker, author and practitioner of change leadership - entertaining and thought provoking seminars and workshops at major conferenc

Leading Successful Change Mobilising Your Workforce for Change Primal Leadership

Karon N. LeCompte, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction · Baylor University

Karon LeCompte, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Social Studies Education

Social Studies Education Civics Education Leadership Elementary Education Action Research

William Luther, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · Florida Atlantic University

William Luther, Ph.D., is an expert in monetary economics and macroeconomics.

Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Monetary Policy Inflation Economic Growth

Larry Bartels

May Werthan Shayne Professor and University Distinguished Professor of Political Science and Law · Vanderbilt University

Expert in public opinion, electoral politics, public policy, and political representation.

Campaigns and Elections Public Policy Public Opinion Electoral Politics Political Representation

Stephen Kajiura, Ph.D.

Professor · Florida Atlantic University

He studies the sensory biology and behavior of sharks and their relatives as well as their seasonal migrations in southeast Florida.

Telemetry Rays Shark Behavior Sensory Biology Elasmobranchs