William Smalley
President · Route Five International Inc.
Author, trainer, and keynote speaker integrating strategy, business development, and negotiating to improve organizational performance.
Marketing & Branding Business Development Leadership and Team Building Presentation and Public Speaking Negotiating
Dominique Halaby
Director, Business Innovation Group · Georgia Southern University
Dr. Halaby oversees development of Georgia Southern University’s City Center.
Community Development Workforce and Economic Development Non-Profit Organizations Workplace Innovation Rural Entrepreneurship
Joan Kavanagh, MSN, RN
Associate Chief Nursing Officer, CCHS · Cleveland Clinic
Joan Kavanagh ensures that the right nurses are matched to the right jobs and that professional development keeps them engaged
Nursing and Faculty Shortage Competency Assessment Nursing as A Career Simulation in Nursing Education Preparation to Practice Gap
Suzanne Toro
Owner · OmToro, LLC
Inner Wellness Teacher, Advocate for Global Change, Visionary & Strategist
Female Empowerment Inner Wellnes & Meditation Self Awareness Food Alchemy Creative Visionary
Nicole Onetto
Deputy Director and Chief Scientific Officer · Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
Dr. Onetto is responsible for developing and maintaining relationships with cancer research stakeholders.
Oncology Pediatrics Clinical Research Lung Cancer Pancreatic Cancer
Ruth Nicole Brown
Professor and the Inaugural Chairperson · Michigan State University
Ruth Nicole Brown is an expert in African American, African studies and Black girlhood, who is focused on community-engaged scholarship.
Political Science African Studies African American Studies Black Girlhood
Joshua W. Walker, PhD
President & CEO · Japan Society
Walker leads Japan Society to create deep bonds between the US & Japan through programs in culture, education, business, policy & technology
UN Conflict Diplomacy Asia Minor Japanese Language
Scott Whaley
President · National REIA & REIFA
National REIA & REIFA President, Alternative Real Estate Investing, Real Estate Crowdfunding, Private Lending, Peak Performance Coaching
Mastermind Coach Peak Performance Commercial Investor
David Ulrich
Partner · The RBL Group
Professor, researcher, consultant, human resources guru, and bestselling author who advises organizations and leaders on delivering value
Results Based Leadership Organizational Capability Human Resources Management The Future of Human Resource Management Leadership and Management
John Friedlander
University Professor · University of Toronto, Department of Mathematics
John Friedlander's research focuses on analytic number theory.
Analytic Number Theory Theory of Prime Numbers L-functions