Ugo Mattei
Distinguished Professor of Law and Alfred and Hanna Fromm Chair in International and Comparative Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: / 415-565-4646 / Office 623-200
Comparative Law Economics and the Law European Community Law African Law Anthropological and Ecological Approaches to Law
Cristina Turdean
Associate Professor · University of Mary Washington
Turdean's expertise focuses on museum studies, and the intersection of technology and society.
Technology and Gambling Museum Studies Historic Preservation Technology and Society
James A. Roberts, Ph.D.
The Ben H. Williams Professor of Marketing · Baylor University
Expert on consumer behavior, compulsive buying & the impact of smartphone and social media use on well-being
Consumer Psychology Consumer Behavior Marketing Consumer Culture Materialism
Dr. Akramul Azim
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science · University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Computer science expert, exploring the advantages of state-based communication scheduling and network code in real-time systems
Greg Garner
Design and Computational Thinking Lead · The Friday Institute
I work with teachers, instructional coaches, principals, and district-level teams to create new models of learning.
Educational Technology Teaching Social Media
Alexandros Tsamis
Assistant Professor, School of Architecture; Graduate Program Director; Associate Director, Center for Architecture, Science, and Ecology (CASE) · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Architect focused on composite materials, building energy systems and advanced manufacturing technologies for the built environment.
Manufacturing Technologies for the Built Environment Tectonics Composite Materials Ecology Material and Energy-based Computational Design
Jay Shanken
Professor Emeritus in Finance · Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Asset Pricing Tests Portfolio Efficiency Return Predictability Factor Models
Josh Siegel
Assistant Professor · Michigan State University
Josh Siegel works across disciplines to develop “deep technologies” within the mobility sector.
Vehicle Diagnostics Cybersecurity Autonomous Vehicles Sensor Fusion Pervasive Sensing
Omer Inan
Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE
Omer Inan's research focuses on non-invasive physiologic monitoring for human health and performance.
Medical Instrumentation Home Monitoring of Chronic Disease Medical Devices for Clinically-Relevant Applications Sports Medicine Non-invasive Physiological Monitoring
Krishnan Pillaipakkamnatt
Professor of Computer Science · Hofstra University
Krishnan Pillaipakkamnatt specializes in data mining, machine learning, and computational learning theory.
Algorithms Data Structures Discrete Mathematics Operating Systems Programming
Todd Digby
Department Chair/University Librarian · University of Florida
Todd Digby leads a department that researches, develops, optimizes and supports advanced library information systems.
Libraries and Information Science Library Systems discovery systems Library Technology Digital Repositories
Tae Wan Kim
Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Tae Wan Kim's research is focused on AI ethics, cross-cultural business ethics, future of the workplace and corporate social responsibility.
Corporate Social Responsibility Artificial Intelligence Ethics Artificial Intelligence Ethics Future of Work
Prasad Tetali
Professor and Department Head · Carnegie Mellon University
Prasad Tetali's research interests are in the areas of discrete math, probability and theory of computing.
Probability and Theory of Computing Isoperimetry and Functional Analysis Computational Number Theory Discrete Math Markov Chains
Barbara Marino, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering · Loyola Marymount University
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Computer Engineering Computer Applications Image Processing Enhancing Degraded Image Data
Caroline Budwell, Ph.D.
College Undergraduate Curriculum Coordinator | Associate Professor and Undergraduate Director, Department of Computer Science · VCU College of Engineering
Dr. Caroline Budwell is a computer scientist focused on learning and engagement strategies.
Software Engineering Computer Science Education Learning and Engagement Strategies Problem Based Learning Collaborative Learning
Weijun Xiao, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering · VCU College of Engineering
Dr. Xiao's research covers networked storage, computer system and architecture, embedded systems and distributed systems
High-performance and GPU Computing Emerging Storage and Memory Technologies Embedded System Computer Architecture
Greg Waite
Founder & CEO · VisiLeap
Greg Waite is an entrepreneur, inventor and investor who specializes in monetizing platform technologies.
Financial & Social Leverage Spin-out Breakthrough Technologies Breakthrough Invention Fund Technology Commercialization
Bahram Javidi, Ph.D.
Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor · University of Connecticut
A professor of electrical and computer engineering, Javidi also leads the Multidimensional Optical Sensing and Imaging Systems (MOSIS) Lab.
Optics and Photonics Biomedical optics/photonics for imaging Nanotechnology in optical sensing, imaging, visualization, and display 3D Imaging
Delaram YazdanSepas
Assistant Professor of Computer Science · Loyola Marymount University
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Computer Science Pervasive Computing Ubiquitous Computing Data Analytics Computing Education
Sophie Lynch
Curator · Middlebrook Prize Winners
Sophie Lynch has worked at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal, and the National Gallery of Canada.
Fine Art Art History Event Planning Media Relations Creative Writing