Dr Cathrine Jansson-Boyd

Reader in Consumer Psychology · Anglia Ruskin University

Cathrine has media experience commentating on issues such as buyer behaviour, encouraging less consumption, & making sustainable purchases.

Consumer Psychology Product Touch and Image Sustainable Buying Consumer Choices Buying Behaviour

Joy Lu

Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Joy Lu's research utilizes mathematical models to examine consumer behavior and psychology.

Media Consumption ‎ Consumer Behavior Consumer Psychology Information Processing Bounded Rationality

Julian K. Saint Clair, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Marketing, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

MBA Academic Program Director & Co-founder of the A-LIST Pathway

Consumer Identity Learning Branding & Advertising Diversity Marketing

David W. Stewart, Ph.D.

Emeritus President's Professor of Marketing, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Educational Administration Consumer Behavior Product Management Marketing Strategy and Communication Marketing and Public Policy

Kelly Haws

Anne Marie and Thomas B. Walker, Jr. Professor of Marketing · Vanderbilt University

Expert in food consumption choices, dieting, financial decision making, and self-control in consumption.

Diet Food decision making Financial decision making Self-Control

Graham Jones

Internet Psychologist · Graham Jones

Experienced Internet speaker focusing on online business success

Clickology Internet Marketing Social Media Blogging Internet Psychology

Kelly Herd, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · University of Connecticut

Professor Herd focuses on creativity and product design as they relate to social cognition, identity, and emotions

Emotions Product Design Social Cognition Consumer Behavior Creativity

Kelly Goldsmith

E. Bronson Ingram Professor of Marketing · Vanderbilt University

Expert in marketing, market research, and consumer behavior focusing on the impact of scarcity and sales on shoppers' mindsets.

Sales Consumer Behavior Market Research Marketing Scarcity

James A. Roberts, Ph.D.

The Ben H. Williams Professor of Marketing · Baylor University

Expert on consumer behavior, compulsive buying & the impact of smartphone and social media use on well-being

Consumer Psychology Consumer Behavior Marketing Consumer Culture Materialism

Jagdish N. Sheth

Charles H. Kellstadt Chaired Professor of Business · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Globally known for his scholarly contributions in consumer psychology, competitive strategy, and geopolitical analysis

Consumer Psychology Global Competitive Strategy Marketing Theory Geopolitical Analysis Emerging Markets

Jackie Silverman

Assistant Professor, Marketing · University of Delaware

Prof. Silverman's research examines several facets of judgment and decision making and consumer psychology.

Prosocial Actions Consumer Psychology Marketing Decision Making Judgement

Yang Feng

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Yang Feng's research focuses on the role of AI as an information delivery agent as well as a powerful research tool.

Consumer Psychology AI Artificial Intelligence Advertising Campaign Advertising Research and Strategy

Sandy Jap

Sarah Beth Brown Professor of Marketing · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Global expert on partnering relationships, B2B routes-to-market, omnichannel, franchise, and ecommerce management

B2B Routes to Market Strategic Partnerships Omnichannel Strategy B2B and Channel Analytics Social Media Selling

Richard Petty

Professor | Department of Psychology · The Ohio State University

Distinguished psychologist, revolutionizing understanding of prejudice, consumer choice, political and legal decisions, and health behavior

Social Psychology Attitudes & Persuasion Social Cognition Decision-Making

Rebecca Walker Reczek

Associate Professor of Marketing | Fisher College of Business · The Ohio State University

Dr. Reczek’s research focuses on the area of consumer behavior

Marketing Marketing & Advertising Marketing & Branding Social Influence Consumer Behavior

Ryan Hamilton

Associate Professor of Marketing · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Customer Psychology Customer Decision Making Branding Price and Price Image

Ayalla Ruvio

Associate Professor of Marketing · Michigan State University

Expert on consumer behavior and consumer psychology

Shopping Behavior Identity and Consumption Experiential Consumption Materialism Luxury Consumption

Dominique Braxton, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Marketing, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Customer Experience Digital Marketing Consumer Behavior Retail Technology Consumer Well-Being

Beth Vallen, PhD

Professor of Marketing and Business Law | Villanova School of Business · Villanova University

Beth Vallen, PhD, is an expert on consumer behavior, with a focus on health-related decision making

Food Marketing Consumer Goals/Motivation Consumer Behavior Health-related Decision Making Business

Robin Coulter, Ph.D.

Department Head, Professor of Marketing · University of Connecticut

Professor Robin Coulter is an expert in consumer behavior issues with strategic marketing implications.

Visualization Consumer Research Numerical Cognition Branding Cross-Cultural Consumer Behavior