Michael S. Rogers

Senior Advisor, Washington, D.C. · Brunswick Group

Michael Rogers advises in the areas of cyber security, privacy, geopolitics, technology and intelligence as well as crisis management.

National Security Crisis Management Telecommuncations Cyber Security Intelligence and Counter Intelligence

David C. Hess, MD

Interim Executive Vice President for Research and Innovation and Dean of the Medical College of Georgia · Augusta University

Dr. David C. Hess, a stroke specialist, educator, and entrepreneur, is dean of the Medical College of Georgia.

Academic Medicine Stroke Neuroscience Telemedicine Neurology

Eric Jackson, Ph.D.

Executive Director, CTI, and Director, CTSRC · University of Connecticut

Eric Jackson researches driver behavior and vehicle impacts on transportation safety

Autonomous Vehicles Safety data integration and analysis Transportation Data Systems Web-based data collection, distributuon, and analysis Remote sensing and geographic information systems

Constance Steinkuehler

Professor of Informatics · UC Irvine

Constance Steinkuehler researches the cognitive and social aspects of multiplayer online videogames and esports.

Teenage Boys and Gameplay eSports Computer Gaming Multiplayer Online Videogames Parenting and Videogames

Alan J. Singer

Professor of Teaching, Learning and Technology · Hofstra University

Alan Singer specializes in social studies education and United States history.

Social Studies Education United States History History of Slavery Teaching race. ethnicity and class

Lynsey Steinberg

Director of Innovation at the Georgia Cyber Center · Augusta University

Lynsey Steinberg is one of the 300 board-certified medical illustrators and also an expert on virtual reality.

Community and Economic Virtual Reality Medical Illustration Gamification Innovation

Lisa Kahn

Helen F. and Fred H. Gowen Professor in the Social Sciences · University of Rochester

Kahn's research focuses on labor economics with interests in organizations and education

Economic Downturns Contract Theory Economics of Organizations

Brian Clark

Assistant Professor, Lally School of Management · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Quantitative finance expert with extensive experience in risk management and machine learning in the banking and credit card industries.

Financial Regulation Financial Intermediation Quantitative Finance Machine Learning in Finance Risk Management

Sandra K. Weller, Ph.D.

Professor and Chair, Department of Molecular Biology and Biophysics · University of Connecticut

Sandra K. Weller, Ph.D., is an expert in the herpes simplex virus.

Biochemistry Biophysics Molecular Biology Herpes Simplex Virus

Douglas Fuchs

Professor of Special Education and Nicholas Hobbs Chair of Special Education and Human Development and Professor Pediatrics in the Vanderbilt University Medical School · Vanderbilt University

Special education expert on interventions for children with learning disabilities and behavior disorders.

Classroom Management Learning Disabilities and Behaviour Response to Intervention Reading Comprehension Urban Education

Mark Warschauer

Professor of Education and Informatics · UC Irvine

Mark Warschauer is a Professor of Education and Informatics at the University of California, Irvine.

Literacy Educational Technology Online Learning Education Language


Professor of Medicine · Michigan State University

Take care of HIV/AIDS patients as well as Hepatitis C, B patients at 3 sites in Michigan

Hepatitis C Hiv/Aids Hepatitis B

Pamella A. Seay, J.D.

Expert in criminal, constitutional, aviation and international law · Florida Gulf Coast University

Pamella Seay specializes in international law and the courts.

Aviation Law Courts Criminal Justice Criminal Law International Law

Vladlena Benson

Professor of Cybersecurity Management · Aston University

Professor Benson is an industry-recognised expert in cybersecurity management and governance.

Emergent Technologies Cybersecurity and Risk Management Digital Transformation

Joseph E. Trainor

Interim Dean and Professor, Biden School of Public Policy & Administration · University of Delaware

Can discuss behavioral responses to disasters, including household risk management and decision making about warnings and evacuation orders.

Public and organizational behavior in disasters Disaster Mitigation Smart Warning Systems Mobile Warning Systems Disaster Warning Systems

Lew Lim

Founder and CEO · VieLight

Dr. Lew Lim is the founder and CEO of VieLight

Light Therapy Medical Devices Phototherapy Start-Ups Corporate Planning

Robert Bird

Eversource Energy Chair in Business Ethics · University of Connecticut

Robert Bird is an expert in corporate compliance, employment law, legal strategy, business ethics, and corporate governance.

Corporate Governance Employment Law Business Law Corporate Compliance Business Ethics

Christopher Westley, Ph.D.

Expert in regional economic trends · Florida Gulf Coast University

Dr. Westley studies and researches the economics of the free society.

Finance Economics Public Economics Austrian Economics Political Economy

Nathan Kar Ming Chan

Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Relations · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Race/Ethnicity‎ Public Opinion American Politics Political Methodology Political Participation

Anahi Santiago, EMBA, CISM

Chief Information Security Officer · ChristianaCare

Anahi Santiago is one of the nation's foremost cybersecurity experts and is interviewed by dozens of national media outlets each year.

Cybersecurity Issues and Stories Cybersecurity and Risk Management Cybersecurity Cybersecurity and Privacy Cybersecurity Education