Alexander Schwarzmann, PhD

Dean of the School of Computer and Cyber Sciences · Augusta University

Dean Schwarzmann is a nationally-recognized expert in cybersecurity of voting technology, computer science, and distributed systems.

Cybersecurity of Voting Technology Computer Science Research and Education Distributed Systems

Scott Fahlman

Research Faculty Emeritus - Contingent · Carnegie Mellon University

Scott Fahlman has worked in many areas of Artificial Intelligence, including the use of massively parallel machines to solve AI problems.

Artificial Neural Networks Computer Science Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Representation Machine Learning

Michael Brodie

Visiting Scholar Harvard University · Harvard University

Michael Brodie is an expert in research and industrial practice in data science and databases.

Data Science Databases Multi-Disciplinary Problem Solving Industrial Practice Distributed Systems

Murray Mazer

Global Head of Innovation and Research · Amadeus IT Group

Murray Mazer is an expert in research and development, software systems and building, managing, and scaling engineering organizations.

Distributed Systems and Networks Privacy Strategic Relationships Technical Strategy Product Strategy

Ender Yuksel

Postdoctoral Researcher · Technical University of Denmark

Researcher, Computer Scientist

Security Verification Sensors

Changqing Luo, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor · VCU College of Engineering

Dr. Luo’s research focuses on cybersecurity, big data, and complex networks.

Security and privacy (e.g., mobile networks, cyber-physical systems, distributed systems, Internet of Things) Complex networks (e.g., optimization, resource management, cross-layer design) Big data (e.g., large-scale data computing and analytics, smart health)

Andrew Lover

Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Deputy Director, New England Center of Excellence in Vector-Borne Disease · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Andrew Lover is an infectious disease epidemiologist whose work focuses on malaria and other vector-borne diseases.

Tick-borne Diseases Infectious Disease Vector-Borne Diseases Drug Development Malaria

Zhonghao Liao, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Zhonghao Liao has expertise in the areas of cybersecurity and distributed systems.

Digital Forensics Data-Driven Security and Privacy Verifiable Computing Blockchain Distributed System

Weijun Xiao, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Dr. Xiao's research covers networked storage, computer system and architecture, embedded systems and distributed systems

High-performance and GPU Computing Emerging Storage and Memory Technologies Embedded System Computer Architecture

Eric Redmond

Documentarian + Engineer · Basho

Big Data Expert

Databases Big Data Riak

Douglas Schmidt

Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Computer Science · Vanderbilt University

Expert in mobile cloud computing, cyber-physical systems, information technology and data privacy.

Computer Science Risk and Reliability Big Data Digital Learning Cyber-Physical Systems

David Bader

Distinguished Professor, Data Science · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Interests lie at the intersection of data science & high-performance computing, with applications in cybersecurity

Graph Analytics Massive-Scale Analytics High-Performance Computing Data Science Applications in Cybersecurity