Edie Dullaghan

Head, Target Validation · Centre for Drug Research and Development

Striving for excellence through mentoring people and by fostering creative/critical thinking,

Drug Development Infectious Disease Biology Molecular Genetics of Gene Expression Immunohistochemistry Antibiotic development

Justin Cole

Director of the Center for Pharmacy Innovation · Cedarville University

Dr. Cole is an expert in pediatrics, pharmacy innovation, interprofessional care, and pharmacy practice advancement.

Neurology Pharmacy Clinical Pharmacy Pediatrics Pharmacy Innovation

Susan Desaulniers

Senior Director, Cardiovascular & Metabolism · Biogen

Susan Desaulniers is an expert in developing leading global clinical programs that protect people from infectious diseases.

Drug Discovery Regulatory Compliance Global Pharmaceutical and Clinical Development Programs Project Management Quality Assurance

Ron Priefer

Professor/Entrepreneur · MCPHS / New England Breath

Ron Priefer is an expert in NMR spectroscopy, materials science, liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, research design, and Polymers.

Academic Advising Mass Spectrometry Organic Synthesis Research Organic Chemistry

Thomas D. Roper, Ph.D.

Director, Pharmaceutical Engineering| Engineering Foundation Professor, Department of Chemical and Life Science Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Dr. Roper specializes in efforts to bring engineering and science closer to patients who utilize medicines via novel technologies.

Metabolic Engineering and Biocatalysis 3D Printing of Dose Forms Long Acting Therapy Development Nanomaterials and Particle Sciences Continuous Chemical Reaction Engineering

Siobhan Malany

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Siobhan Malany studies the effects of microgravity on human muscle biology using an automated tissue chip system.

Space Age-related Msucle Atrophy Drug Discovery and Screening Space Medicine Human Muscle Biology

John McCulloch

Founder & Managing Director · Burloch Group Inc.

Engaging and knowledgeable speaker with deep expertise in biotechnology investment.

Biotechnology Pharmaceuticals Innovation Investment

Dr. Raphael (Rafi) Hofstein

President & CEO · MaRS Innovation

Turning academic ideas into commercial realities

Corporate & Business Strategy Early-Stage Investing Life Sciences and Healthcare Technology Transfer Commercialization of Innovation

B. Frank Gupton, Ph.D.

Floyd D. Gottwald, Jr. Chair in Pharmaceutical Engineering; Chair, Professor, Department of Chemical and Life Science Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Professor Gupton's research is focused on the development of new technologies that will streamline organic synthesis

Cross-Coupling Catalysis Flow Chemistry / Continual Chemical Processing Organic Synthesis in Pharmaceutical Applications

Daniele Piomelli

Distinguished Professor · UC Irvine

Daniele Piomelli's research is focused on the function of lipid-derived messengers, with particular emphasis on endogenous cannabinoids.

Anatomy & Neurobiology Cellular Pharmacology CBD Marijuana Neuropharmacology

Sandra K. Weller, Ph.D.

Professor and Chair, Department of Molecular Biology and Biophysics · University of Connecticut

Sandra K. Weller, Ph.D., is an expert in the herpes simplex virus.

Biochemistry Biophysics Molecular Biology Herpes Simplex Virus

Bin Chen

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Human Development · Michigan State University

Dr. Chen is the founding member of DahShu, a non-profit organization to promote research and education in data sciences.

Cancer Therapy Drug Repositioning Translational Bioinformatics AI Big Data

Douglas Scharre

Professor of Clinical Neurology and Psychiatry | College of Medicine · The Ohio State University

Dr. Scharre specializes in cognitive disorders and dementias, including Alzheimer's disease

Neurology Neurobehavioral Manifestations Lewy Body Disease Dementia, Multi-Infarct Amnesia, Transient Global

Dr Jonathan A. G. Cox

Lecturer in Microbiology · Aston University

Dr Cox's research interests surround the discovery of new antibiotics & identifying the mechanisms by which those antibiotics kill bacteria.

Health Sciences Biochemistry Antibiotics Antimicrobial Resistance Micro-Organisms

Andrew Lover

Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Deputy Director, New England Center of Excellence in Vector-Borne Disease · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Andrew Lover is an infectious disease epidemiologist whose work focuses on malaria and other vector-borne diseases.

Tick-borne Diseases Infectious Disease Vector-Borne Diseases Drug Development Malaria

Adrian Newman-Tancredi

Neuropharmacology Consulting · NeuroAct Communication

Experienced public speaker and neuropharmacologist with proven expertise in study of antipsychotics, antidepressants and analgesics.

Antipsychotics Neuropharmacology Serotonin Depression

Emily Walsh

Principal Consultant · Halloran Consulting Group, Inc.

Recovering Scientist

Personalized Medicine and Genetics Translational Medicine Transitioning From the Bench Project Management 101 Program Management 101

Zubair Karim, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences · Augusta University

Karim researches signaling and the SNARE secretory machinery in platelets to understand their contribution to health and disease.

Smoking and Cardiovascular Disease Thrombosis Hemostasis Platelet Exocytosis and Signaling E-cigarettes

Jacob Elmer, PhD

Dicciani Endowed Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering | College of Engineering · Villanova University

Jacob Elmer, PhD, is an expert in genetic engineering, GMOs, and gene therapy

CAR-T Cell Therapy CRISPR-Cas9 Hemoglobin Immunotherapy GMOs

Roslyn Bill

Professor of Biotechnology · Aston University

Professor Bill's research on water flow in the body has revealed how to develop drugs that prevent brain swelling after injury or disease.

Membrane Proteins Brain Swelling Water Balance Healthy Ageing Brain Injury