Jocelyn Thorpe

Associate Professor, Women's and Gender Studies Program · University of Manitoba

Professor Thorpe explores the history and legacies of colonialism in the Canadian context

Critical Race Theory Feminism Environmental Studies Colonialism Social Inequality

Amy Woodson-Boulton

Professor of History · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Environmental History British History Anthropology Imperialism Museum Studies

Jason Sellers

Associate Professor · University of Mary Washington

Jason R. Sellers is a cultural and environmental historian of 17th-and 18th-century North America interested in landscapes and bodies.

Environmental History Native American History Colonial North America

Amy J. Williams

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Amy J. Williams is searching for habitable environments and microbial life on Mars and outer world moons.

Space Persverance Rover NASA Mars Missions Mars Missions Mars

Rebecca E. Wall

Assistant Professor of History · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Climate History Digital Humanities Global History Environmental History Postcolonial, Colonial, & Precolonial African History

Jase Bernhardt

Associate Professor of Geology, Environment, and Sustainability · Hofstra University

Dr. Bernhardt has had a lifelong passion for studying weather and climate. His current research focuses hurricane preparedness.

Rip Tide safety Hurricanes Climatology Climate Change Weather

Nicolas Rosenthal

Professor of History · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

American History Indian History Environmental History 20th Century U.S. History History

Vicki Szabo

Associate Professor, Darth Vader Chair of Ancient and Medieval History · Western Carolina University

Vicki Szabo's research focuses on medieval environmental history, the medieval North Atlantic and the history of whaling.

Medieval History Viking Age Environmental History Medieval North Atlantic World Ancient History

Neil Maher

Professor · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Neil Maher studies environmental and political history in the 20th century, urban history and the history of environmental justice.

Environmental History History of Environmental Justice 20th Century US Environmental and Political History US History Urban History

Adele Lindenmeyr, PhD

William and Julia Moulden Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; Professor, Department of History · College of Liberal Arts and Sciences | Villanova University

Adele Lindenmeyr, PhD, is an expert in Russian history, specifically the history of charity and social welfare.

Development of Voluntarism and Civil Societies Women's History Environmental History Russian History Russian and Soviet History

Paul C. Rosier, PhD

Professor of History; Director, Albert Lepage Center for History in the Public Interest | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Paul C. Rosier, PhD, is an expert in American history, global environmental history, and American environmental history.

History Sustainability Studies Global Environmental History American History American Environmental History

Jason Matzke

Professor · University of Mary Washington

Jason Matzke is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Mary Washington.

Ethics Philosophy

James Costa

Professor and Executive Director of Highlands Biological Station · Western Carolina University

Jim Costa's interests include insect behavior and ecology, environmental history and philosophy, and the history of science.

Charles Darwin Conservation Ecology Insect Behavior Evolutionary Biology

Peter Christensen

Arthur Satz Professor of the Humanities and Professor of Art History · University of Rochester

Peter Christensen's specialization is modern architectural and environmental history of Germany, Central Europe and the Middle East.

Architectural design theory and history Critical Digital Humanities Historicism 19th Century Architectural History 20th Century Architectural History

Elizabeth A. Drummond

Associate Professor of History · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Modern European History German History Polish History Nationalism Gender History