Yushan Yan

Henry Belin Du Pont Chair of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering · University of Delaware

Prof. Yan is an expert in electrochemical engineering for sustainability.

Electrochemical Energy Engineering Energy Conversion and Storage Fuel Cells Electrolyzers Flow Batteries

Jasna Jankovic, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Materials Science & Engineering · University of Connecticut

Prof. Jasna Jankovic is an expert in the development of advanced imaging and spectroscopy, fuel cells and industrial collaborations.

Industrial Collaborations Fuel Cells Development and application of advanced imaging and spectroscopy techniques 3D material design and imaging Advanced Nanomaterials for Clean Energy

Radenka Maric, Ph.D.

University President · University of Connecticut

Dr. Maric researches novel materials for fuel cell & battery manufacturing, nanomaterials, sensors, hydrogen generation & biofuels.

Sustainable Energy Technologies Nanomaterials Engineering Sensors Sustainable Energy Manufacturing

Matt Blieske

Global Hydrogen Product Manager · Shell TechWorks

Matt Blieske is a business and technical transformation leader in the power, renewables, and oil and gas sectors.

Sustainable Energy Power Generation Product Development Renewable Energy Systems Engineering

Mark Orazem

Distinguished Professor · University of Florida

Mark Orazem studies corrosion, batteries, fuel cells, sensors, and electrodes for neural stimulation.

Electrodes Fuel Cells Corrosion Electromagnetic Engineering Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy

Ian/epredator Hughes

Metaverse Evanagelist · Feeding Edge Ltd

Metaverse Evangelist, TV presenter, taking a bite out of technology so you don't have to. Mixing tech with social change

Metaverse Virtual Worlds 3d Printing Maker Culture Kids Technology

Karen Farrell

Special Projects · Irvine

Special Projects

Fuel Cell Fuel Cell Education Elementary Science Education

Joshua Moon

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Joshua Moon is a chemical engineer experimenting with the intersection between membrane separations, polymer chemistry, and polymer physics.

PFAS Remediation Clean Energy Carbon Capture Materials Science Chemical Separations

Tani Chen

Patent Attorney · Wolf Greenfield

Tani Chen counsels clients in IP protection across a variety of areas including nanotechnology, chemical processes, and analytical devices.

Pharmaceutical Chemical & Materials Technologies Intellectual Property Protection Intellectual Property Biotechnology

Jay Whitacre

Trustees Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Jay Whitacre examines the materials science of synthesizing, characterizing, and implementing promising materials for energy storage.

Hybrid Power Systems Electric Vehicles Power Grids Energy Storage Conversion

Jack Brouwer

Professor: Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering; Director: National Fuel Cell Research Center, Advanced Power and Energy Program · UC Irvine

Jack Brouwer's research focuses on high-temperature electrochemical dynamics and integrated renewable energy systems.

High-Temperature Electrochemical Dynamics Renewable Hydrogen Renewable Power Dynamics Integrated Renewable Power Systems Hybrid Power and Energy Storage Systems

John C. Besley

Ellis N. Brandt Professor of Public Relations · Michigan State University

Dr. John C. Besley studies public opinion about science and scientists' opinions about the public.

Decision Processes Public Opinion Decision-Making