Jessica Rouge, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Chemistry · University of Connecticut

Professor Rouge is an expert in enzyme-mediated assembly of nanomaterials and delivery of DNA and RNA into cells.

SELEX Therapeutic Oligonucleotides Gene Regulation Nanocharacterization

Amy Iezzoni

Professor · Michigan State University

Amy Iezzoni leads a sour cherry breeding and genetics program, and also a cherry rootstock breeding program.

Cherry Genetics Plant Breeding

Sambeeta Das

Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering · University of Delaware

Prof. Das’s research spans robotics, autonomous systems, physics, organic chemistry and materials engineering.

Biomechanical Engineering Clean Energy & Environment Materials Engineering Biomechanics Fluid Mechanics

Malik Magdon-Ismail

Professor, Computer Science · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Learning from data and decision-making in complex data systems

Probability and Stochastic Processes Pattern Recognition Machine Learning Big Data Algorithms

April Wynn

Assistant Professor · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Wynn is a plant geneticist and is interested in examining the intersection of genetic regulatory networks for seed and flower formation.

Genetic Regulation Developmental Genetics Plant Genetics Molecular Biology

Mary Catherine McElwain

Emerita Professor of Biology · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Biology Gene Regulation Science Education

Emily Day

Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering · University of Delaware

Prof. Day engineers drug & biomolecule nanocarriers for targeted treatment of cancers, blood disorders, and reproductive health conditions.

Precision Medicine Drug Delivery Translational Research Gene Regulation Phototherapy

Lin Zeng

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Lin Zeng studies carbohydrate metabolism in oral microbiomes with a focus on molecular genetics, biochemistry, and microbial ecology.

Gram-Positive Pathogens Bacterial Gene Regulation Carbohydrate Metabolism Dental Caries Oral Bacteriology

Kam Dahlquist

Professor of Biology · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Bioinformatics Genomics Computational Biology Research Genetics

Juliet Daniel

Professor of Biology · McMaster University

Dr. Daniel is a Cancer Biologist with expertise in breast cancer, racial disparities in cancer, and diversity issues in higher education.

Cadherin-mediated cell adhesion Cell & Molecular Biology Developmental Biology Kaiso and transcription factors Women in Science and Engineering