Noreen Golfman
Provost and Vice-President (Academic) · Memorial University
Dr. Golfman is an experienced, multi-dimensional scholar and academic leader who is actively engaged in cultural issues.
Film Graduate Studies Academic & Administrative Leadership Arts and Culture Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Allison Sekuler
Associate Vice President and Dean, Graduate Studies · McMaster University
Dr. Sekuler is a Professor of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour with expertise is in vision, aging, higher education, & diversity issues.
Aging Face and Object Recognition Perceptual Organization Pattern Vision Motion Perception
John Verboncoeur
Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies · Michigan State University
John Verboncoeur studies computational plasma physics, electromagnetics, beam physics and high field effects,
Propulsion Technologies
Bree Akesson
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Work · Wilfrid Laurier University
Assistant Professor at Wilfrid Laurier University who conducts research with children and families affected by war and global social work
Refugee and Human Rights Issues War and Violence Children and Families Social Work Social Work Education
Jan Lacina
Bezos Family Foundation Endowed Chair in Early Childhood Education | Senior Associate Dean for Research, Graduate Studies and Strategic Partnerships · Texas Christian University
Dr. Lacina's teaching and research interests focus on literacy leadership, children's literature, and early childhood teacher preparation.
Teacher Education Children's Literature Literacy Leadership Early Childhood and Elementary Education
Mia Moody-Ramirez, Ph.D.
Department Chair and Professor · Baylor University
Dr. Moody-Ramirez is a nationally known expert on mass media representations of minorities, women and other underrepresented groups
Race, Class, and Culture Pop Culture New Media Writing for Media Markets Historical Stereotypes in Social Media
Adam Little
Mentor | CBASE · LifeLearn, Inc.
Adam is a veterinarian and entrepreneur with a passion for applying his diverse experience towards tackling big problems.
Global Health Dogs Epidemiology Animal Nutrition Community Outreach
Tony Pellegrini
Department Chair of Teacher Education/Professor of Education · Southern Utah University
Specializing in online learning strategies in higher education, asynchronous learning, and web-based instructional tools
Information and Technology in Education Family and Parent Involvement in Education Higher Education Leadership Online Learning Strategies in Higher Education Higher Education
Weisong Shi
Alumni Distinguished Professor and Chair of Computer and Information Sciences · University of Delaware
Prof. Shi is an internationally renowned expert in edge computing, autonomous driving, and connected health.
Edge Computing Vehicle Computing Autonomous Driving Mobile and Connected Health
Peter Sham
Professor of Theatre Arts · Southern Utah University
Specializing in Suzuki movement, directing and producing musical theatre, and character development for actors
Stage Direction Voice and Speech Training Directing Musical Theater Voice Over Producing
Aprinda Indahlastari
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Aprinda Indahlastari focuses on achieving precision medicine by improving existing medical devices/intervention methods.
Cognitive Aging tDCS Computational Neuroscience Finitie Element Methods Neuromodulation
Alison Barth
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Alison Barth's work focuses on understanding how experience transforms the properties of neurons to encode memory.
Research Design Neural Plasticity Biophysics Neuroscience
Andrew Christlieb
Chair, Department of Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering · Michigan State University
Expert in Multi-scale modeling and high-order numerical methods
Fast Convolution Methods Multi-scale Modeling High Order Numerical Methods Weighted Essentially Non-oscillatory Methods Defect Correction Methods
Kali Kniel
Professor, Microbial Food Safety · University of Delaware
Prof. Kniel’s laboratory explores issues of food safety and public health that involve transmission of viruses and pathogenic bacteria.
Food Systems Pathogenic Bacteria Food Safety Public Health Microorganisms
Francis Beckwith, Ph.D.
Professor of Philosophy & Church-State Studies, Affiliate Professor of Political Science · Baylor University
Nationally recognized philosopher and legal expert in the areas of religion, jurisprudence, politics and ethics.
Faith Law Church and State Issues Philosophical and Theological Ethics Ethics & Values
Endia J. Lindo
Associate Professor of Special Education · Texas Christian University
Dr. Lindo’s expertise is in reading disabilities, comprehension instruction/intervention and the social-cultural factors of learning.
Cultural Competence Special Education Reading Intervention Dyslexia/Reading Disabilities Instructional Strategies
Christine Kelleher Palus, PhD
Dean of College of Professional Studies; Professor of Public Administration · Villanova University
Christine Palus, PhD, is an expert on adult education, urban politics and policy, state-level public administration and women in politics.
Adult Education Public Administration and Management Urban Politics American Government State and Local Politics
Johnny Nhan
Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and Professor · Texas Christian University
Nhan's research focuses primarily on technology and policing - cyber security, police culture and collaborative security networks.
Police Culture Policing Race and Crime Cybercrime White Collar Crime
Karla Mossi, Ph.D.
Professor and Graduate Program Director, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering
Sheng Lu
Professor, Fashion and Apparel Studies · University of Delaware
Prof. Lu's research focuses on the economic and business aspects of the global textile and apparel industry.
Textile and Apparel Industries International Trade Sustainability Issues Trade Policy Fashion and Apparel