Alexandros Tsamis
Assistant Professor, School of Architecture; Graduate Program Director; Associate Director, Center for Architecture, Science, and Ecology (CASE) · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Architect focused on composite materials, building energy systems and advanced manufacturing technologies for the built environment.
Manufacturing Technologies for the Built Environment Tectonics Composite Materials Ecology Material and Energy-based Computational Design
Eric Corey Freed
Founding Principal · OrganicARCHITECT
Green architect, author and visionary
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ESG Investment Strategies Green Buildings Green Architect Carbon
Ken Greenberg
Principal · Greenberg Consultants Inc.
Can you see what I see? Engage your imagination and improve your community with Greenberg Consultants award-winning urban designer
Urban Planning Green Development Sustainable Development Green Architecture Transforming Cities