Ravi Hadimani

Associate Professor and Director of Biomagnetics Laboratory · Virginia Commonwealth University

Professor Hadimani specializes in non-invasive brain stimulation, biomagnetics, magnetocalorics and energy harvesting research.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (Tms) Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Magnetic Nanoparticles Magnetocaloric Effect Rare-Earth Magnetic Materials

Jun Yao

Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Jun Yao has made international news for his discovery of how to create power from the humidity in air.

Synthesis of Nanomaterials Green Electronics Nanoelectronic Devices and Sensors Bioelectronic Interfaces and Wearable Devices Electricity from Air

Fritz Roka, Ph.D.

Expert in agriculture economics · Florida Gulf Coast University

Fritz Roka specializes in the study and research of Florida agribusiness.

Farm Management Farm Labor Citrus Business Florida Agribusiness Agricultural Economic Impact

Yanxiao Zhao, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Graduate Program Director | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Professor Zhao specializes in wireless networking, Internet of things and cyber security.

Wireless Communications and Networks Wireless Energy Harvesting Systems Wearable sensors for healthcare Internet of Things (IoT) Cyber Security

Jacob Dean

Associate Professor, Chemistry · Southern Utah University

Expertise in physical chemistry, specifically molecular spectroscopy.

Laser Spectroscopy Molecular Design Principles Physical Chemistry Molecular Spectroscopy Spectroscopy

Richard Lunt

Johansen Crosby Endowed Professor · Michigan State University

Richard is the inventor of over 25 U.S. patents, the majority of which have been licensed.

Solar Cells Green Energy Solar Energy See-Through Solar Technology Chemical Engineering

Christopher H. Raebel, P.E., S.E., Ph.D.

Adjunct Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Christopher Raebel focuses on robustness in structural systems with an emphasis on steel framed buildings.

Floor Vibrations Caused by Occupant Activities Structural Steel Framed Buildings Structural Systems Finite Element Analysis Experiment Testing

Jennifer Zettler

Professor · Georgia Southern University

Dr. Zettler investigates the ecological effects of red imported fire ants on native invertebrates and plants

Invasive Species Entomology Zoology Ecology

Thanh Nguyen, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · University of Connecticut

Professor Nguyen focuses on biointegrated materials and devices at nano- and micro-scales for applications in biomedicine

Vaccinations Drug Delivery Nano

Michele Baggio, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor · University of Connecticut

Michele Baggio is an expert in environmental and resource economics, ecological economics, and health economics.

Ecological Economics Health Economics Environmental and Resource Economics Applied Microeconomics

F.E. "Jack" Putz

Distinguished Professor · University of Florida

Frances "Jack" Putz applies science to real-world problems related to ecosystem management and conservation.

Plant Ecology Indonesian Consevation Issue Economic Botany Applied Ecology Florida Natural History

C. Nataraj, PhD

Moritz Endowed Professor of Engineered Systems; Director, VCADS Research Center | College of Engineering · Villanova University

C. Nataraj, PhD, is an expert in unmanned vehicles, robotics, and diagnostic healthcare systems.

Autonomous Vehicles Drones Machine Learning Unmanned Vehicles Robotics

Nikos Tziolas

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Nikos Tziolas develops interpretable AI techniques and integrated sensing systems to support informed decision-making in agriculture.

Soil Science Deep Learning Spectroscopy AI Artificial Intelligence

Jayasimha Atulasimha, Ph.D.

Engineering Foundation Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Professor Atulasimha researches nanomagnetic/spintronic memory and neuromorphic computing devices.

Spintronics and Nanomagnetism Exploratory neuromorphic devices Straintronics: Strian mediated electric field control of magnetism Electric field (VCMA) control of skyrmions Magnetic and multiferroic materials

Shuresh Ghimire, Ph.D.

Associate Cooperative Extension Educator · University of Connecticut

Shuresh Ghimire conducts an extension education and research program in vegetable crop production and practices.

Plastic Mulch Climate Adaptation Horticulture Agricultural Sciences Biodegradable Materials

Jeff Hoffman

Partner & Co-Founder · ColorJar, LLC

Internationally recognized public speaker on the topics of innovation, leadership, entrepreneurship, and more.

Entrepreneurship New Media Leadership Branding Futurist

Michael Savarese, Ph.D.

Expert in sea-level rise and environmental change · Florida Gulf Coast University

Michael Savarese studies the history of environmental change in coastal areas and how this can inform the future.

Conservation Paleobiology Geologic History of Southwest Florida Climate Change Coastal Geology Sea Level Rise

Whitney Stoppel

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Whitney Stoppel focuses on transport in biological systems, biomolecular engineering, and natural biopolymer characterization.

Nanomaterials Surgical Materials Silk Fibers Silk Fibroin Biomaterials

Serge Thomas, Ph.D.

Expert in the ecology of aquatic environments · Florida Gulf Coast University

Serge Thomas specializes in the consequences of natural and human stresses in aquatic ecosystems.

Ecological Engineering Hydrosystems Technologies to Clean Water Microplastics Algal Blooms

Walter Hawthorne

Professor and chairperson of MSU’s Department of History · Michigan State University

Expert in African history, history of slavery and slave trade

The Slave Trade Brazil Upper Guinea Atlantic The History of Slavery