Rebeca Acevedo

Chair and Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures - Spanish · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Spanish Linguistics USA Spanish Linguistics Romance Linguistics Spanish Education

Joseph Lennon, PhD

Director, Center for Irish Studies & Associate Dean, International and Interdisciplinary Initiatives | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Joseph Lennon, PhD, is an expert in Irish hunger strikes, India and Ireland relationships and contemporary Irish issues.

Hunger Strikes English Literature Irish Studies Irish Culture

Lisa Stephenson

Reader · Leeds Beckett

Lisa Stephenson's teaching and research specialism is creative (drama) learning.

Wellbeing Mental Health Education Culture Children

Frank H. Wu

Distinguished Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Email: | Phone: 415-565-4830 | Office: 390-200

Civic Engagement Volunteer Service Higher Education Administration Asian American Issues Civil Rights

Heidi Fessler

Senior Lecturer of Classics and Archaeology · Loyola Marymount University

Heidi Fessler is an archaeologist and historian of ancient Israel specializing in the geography of the Holy Land, and ancient warfare.

Ancient Greek Medicine Archaeology and the Bible Archaeology Ancient Warfare

Alma Stevenson

Professor of Literacy · Georgia Southern University

Alma Stevenson teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in critical literacy, strategies, assessment and literacy in the content areas.

Language and Literacy Development Diverse Learners and Educational Equity Science Education

Saleem Ali

Professor of Energy and the Environment Geography and Spatial Sciences; Biden School of Public Policy and Administration · University of Delaware

Prof. Ali's research examines the causes and consequences of environmental conflicts.

Environmental Health Environmental Policy Environmental Planning Health and Safety

Julie Brown

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Julie Brown's scholarship is rooted in the science of broadening participation in STEM in secondary and higher education contexts.

Qualitative Methods Undergraduate Science and STEM Education Curriculum Design Educational Equity Science Education

Jacek Lubecki

Associate Professor, Political Science and International Studies · Georgia Southern University

Jacek Lubecki is an expert in Polish and European military history.

Global Political Economy Counter-Insurgency Middle East Polish Politics and History East-Central Europe

Hezekiah L. Lewis III, MFA

Assistant Professor of Communication | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Hezekiah Lewis, MFA, is an expert on film, from both thematic and technical standpoints, and has directed and produced short films.

Communication Screenwriting Documentary Film Making Film Direction Film Studies

Haroon Ullah

Policy Planning Staff · U.S. Department of State

A scholar, diplomat and author of widely acclaimed Bargain From The Bazaar and Vying for Allah's Vote. Visit

Public Policy Pakistan Diplomacy International Relations Foreign Policy

Missy LeBlanc

Curator · Middlebrook Prize Winners

Missy LeBlanc is a curator and writer of Métis, Nēhiyaw, and Polish decent currently based in Moh’kins’stis (Calgary).

Contemporary Art Indigenous Art Curatorial Studies Art History Art

Christopher A. Cooper

Madison Distinguished Professor of Political Science & Public Affairs and Director of the Haire Institute for Public Policy · Western Carolina University

Christopher A. Cooper's research is on N.C. politics, southern politics, political behavior and behavioral public administration.

Election Administration Public Administration Southern Politics American Politics Parties, Campaigns and Elections

Justin Taillon

Assistant Professor · Centre for Business and Social Entrepreneurship

Prior to returning joining academia Justin worked for six years in the hotels, two years in F&B, and one year in event management.

Community Branding Market-Based Conservation Socio-Cultural Sustainability Sustainable Tourism Volunteer Tourism

Eliza Rodriguez

Professor of Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies and Associate Dean of Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Queer of Color Theory Chicanx and Latinx Studies Critical Theory Feminist Discourse Latina Literature

Pam Henderson

CEO · NewEdge

CEO and author of KILLING IDEAS: You can kill an idea, you can't kill an opportunity!

Ruth Panofsky

Professor of English / Graduate Program in Communication & Culture · Ryerson University

Dr. Panofsky specializes in Canadian women in publishing and Canadian Jewish women writers

English Research Higher Education Literature Media & Culture

Isaac Record

Associate Teaching Professor of Philosophy of Science and Technology · Michigan State University

Isaac Record researches how technology affects what we know, especially online.

Alicia Partnoy

Professor Emeritus of Modern Languages and Literatures - Spanish · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Writing and Political Repression Testimonio Women Writers Social Semiotics Contemporary Latin American Literature

Dr Edina Harbinja

Reader in Media/Privacy Law · Aston University

Dr Harbinja's principal areas of research are related to the legal issues surrounding the Internet and emerging technologies.

Digital Resurrection AI and Law Online Harms Online Safety