Christine Hatch

UMass Extension Professor in Earth, Geographic and Climate Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Christine Hatch is a hydrogeologist who studies the intersection between water resources, ecology and climate change,

Dams and Climate-Induced Storms Rewilding Hydrogeology Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions Climate Change

David Evans

Principal Hydrogeologist and GWX Managing Director · MWH Global

Hydrogeologist based in Lima, Peru with over 25 years of groundwater and business management experience (17 years in Peru and 8 in Canada)

Hydrogeology Karst Hydrogeology Mining Hydrogeology Mining and Water Geology

David Kaplan

Professor · University of Florida

David Kaplan studies connecting ecosystems, the hydrologic cycle, and humans with the goal of advancing natural resources conservation.

Groundwater Rivers Springs Hydrology Wetlands

David Boutt

Professor of Earth, Geographic, and Climate Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst

David Boutt's research focuses on the interplay of surface water and groundwater, and on sub-surface processes that impact it on its journey

Drought Hydrogeology Groundwater Recharge Processes Groundwater Water

Thomas Missimer, Ph.D., P.G.

Expert in hydrogeology and water quality · Florida Gulf Coast University

Thomas Missimer conducts research into groundwater, sedimentary geology, water resources management, and geochemistry.

Injection Wells Geology Desalination Groundwater Contamination Groundwater Hydrology

Robin Marc Dufour, M.App.Sc.

Principal Hydrogeologist · Global Water Experts

Mr. Dufour is currently managing the newly opened office of DHI Peru

Groundwater Modelling Hydrogeology Numerical Flow Models

Frits Reidel, CPG

Principal Hydrogeologist · Global Water Experts

Mr. Reidel, CPG, has 23 years of working experience on water & infrastructure related projects in the mining industry in North/South America

Hydrogeology Open Pit Dewatering Systems Large-Scale Copper and Gold Mining Evaluation of Brine Resources Resource Evaluation and Feasibility

Darrel Dunn

Senior Hydrogeologist · Darrel Dunn - Hydrogeologist

Darrel Dunn PhD PG Hydrogeologist

Hydrogeology, Geology

James Reichard

Chair and Professor · Georgia Southern University

Professor Reichard focuses on applied hydrologic research on the Georgia coastal plain

Coastal Ecology Modelling Environmental Geology Geology Hydrogeology

Paul Banks, PG

Senior Executive Vice President | Science & Technology Division Leader · J.S. Held LLC

Environmental Impact Expert | Environmental Health & Safety Compliance & Risk Expert | Licensed Professional Geologist

Organizational Development Assessment & Remediation Program Management Environmental Permitting Risk Management

Colin J. Gleason

Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Colin Gleason's research measures focuses on measuring how much of the earth’s water is in rivers at any point in time.

Global Water Budget Ungauged Basins Fluvial Geomorphology Fluvial Hydrology Remote Sensing