Jean Polfus
Postdoctoral Fellow · University of Manitoba
Liber Ero Postdoctoral Fellow working on caribou conservation in the NWT using non-invasive methods, traditional knowledge & sciart.
Ecology Ecology - Animal Movement and Space Use Conservation Biology Conservation Genetics Environmental Science
Justina Ray
President and Senior Scientist · Wildlife Conservation Society Canada
Justina Ray's research is focused on evaluating the role of shifting landscapes in biodiversity decline and/or change in forested ecosystems
Conservation Planning Forested Ecosystems Biodiversity Wildlife Ecology Wildlife Conservation
Howard Mielke
Research Professor · Tulane University
Professor Mielke focuses on the urban environment and its chemical impact on human health and disease.
Lead Poisoning Environmental Signaling Human Health Urban Environments Disease
Barbara Frei
Post-doctoral researcher, Department of Natural Resource Sciences · McGill University
Conservation biologist, scientific communicator & collaborative researcher. Champion for conservation in a rapidly changing world.
Conservation Biology Ecosystem services Biodiversity Agroecosystems Birds Birding