J. Andrew Hansen

Associate Professor · Western Carolina University

Policy Public Policy Criminology Criminal Justice Police

James "Jay" Clugston

Professor/Team Physician · University of Florida

Dr. Jay Clugston's expertise in non-operative sports medicine, with specific expertise in concussion management.

Concussion management Concussion Biomarkers Sickle Cell Trait in Athletes Sports Related Concussion Heat Illness

Regina Rahimi

Professor · Georgia Southern University

Regina Rahimi research is focused on issues of gender and sexuality in education and middle and high school drop outs.

Race and Class in Education Middle and High School Drop Outs Issues of Gender in Education Issues of Sexuality in Education Adolescent Literacy

Doug Knuth

Athletic Director · Southern Utah University

Talent identifier, recruiter, and program builder with nearly 30 years in higher ed, including nine as a Division I athletic director.

Campaign and Annual Fundraising Athletic Conference Relations Collegiate Athletics Sports Administration Division I Athletics

Jeremy Crenshaw

Assistant Professor, Kinesiology and Applied Physiology · University of Delaware

Prof. Crenshaw's research focuses on interventions to reduce the incidence of falls and lessen the severity of fall-related injuries.

Fall-related Injuries Falls Balance Biomechanics Value of Exercise

Barry Joyner

Dean and Professor of Exercise Science · Georgia Southern University

Barry Joyner is an expert in physical activity, exercise science, teaching/learning, and outcome assessment.

Outcome Assessment Exercise Science Physical Activity

Douglas J. Casa, Ph.D.

CEO-Korey Stringer Institute, Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor, Department of Kinesiology · University of Connecticut

Focused on prevention of sudden death in sport, exertional heat stroke, wearable technologies, hydration, and performance in the heat

Elite Atheletes Hydration/Dehydration Fluid-Electrolyte Balance Exertional Heat Illnesses Wearable Technologies

John Meindl


President & Founder - SPORTSBRANDEDMEDIA

Sports Marketing Sports Media Sports in Society

Joyce E. A. Russell, PhD

Dean Emeritus, Villanova School of Business | Professor of Management · Villanova School of Business | Villanova University

Joyce E. A. Russell, PhD, has vast expertise in leadership and management development, negotiation and executive coaching.

Business Women in Business Leadership Psychology Negotiations

John R. Gerdy

Founder and President of Music For Everyone · Archway Publishing

Founder and Executive Director of Music For Everyone

Education Music Arts and Education Activism College Athletic Reform Role and History of Sports in American Education and American Society

Cynthia Savage

Professor of Professional Practice, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies · Texas Christian University

Cynthia Savage researches initial teacher certification at the undergraduate level.

School Counseling Educational Research and Quantitative Methodology Elementary Education Early Childhood Education Teacher Certification

William Hatcher, PhD, MPA

Chair of the Department of Social Sciences · Augusta University

Dr. William Hatcher focuses on public administration and social, economic and political institutions in local communities.

Public Administration Public Policy Community and Economic Development Health Policy Public Budgeting and Finance

Lance Hunter, PhD

Professor of Political Science · Augusta University

Dr. Lance Hunter studies the connection between terrorism and political stability in democracies.

Politics Terrorism International Relations Voting Civil Liberties

David Noble, Ph.D.

Director · University of Connecticut

Professor Noble focuses on digital entrepreneurship, higher education innovation, and futurist development

Name, Image, and Likeness Mobility Venture Capital Blockchain Digital Transformation

Professor Sue Backhouse

Professor of Sport Psychology and Behavioural Nutrition · Leeds Beckett University

Her particular expertise is in athlete welfare, drug use in sport, why athletes dope, what makes athletes vulnerable to doping and more.

Doping Drug Use in Sport Sports Integrity Athlete Welfare Clean Sport

Thomas Smith

Professor in the Practice of Finance; Academic Director, Master of Finance · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Cultural Economics Economics of the Arts Economics of Sports Economics of Religion Urban and Real Estate Economics

Professor Susan Backhouse

Director of Research · Leeds Beckett University

An expert in athlete welfare, drug use in sport, why athletes dope, what makes athletes vulnerable to doping and more.

Doping Drug Use in Sport Sports Integrity Athlete Welfare Clean Sport

David Keellings

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

David Keellings focuses on climate extremes, driving physical mechanisms, and the influence of climate change versus natural variability.

AI Drought Climate Extremes Heat Waves Rainfall

Eric Kirby

Assistant Professor of Management and Business Law · Southern Utah University

Specializing in management, leadership, generational nuances (Gen Z), student success strategies, business law, and student retention

Student Retention in Higher Education Employee Development and Retention Management Generation Z Leadership

David Berri

Department Chair and Professor of Economics · Southern Utah University

Specializing in evaluations of players and coaches in sports, gender issues in sports, and competitive balance in sports

Distrubution of Wealth and Power Unpaid Athletes in the NCAA NBA Salary Caps Sports Economics NCAA