Gareth James
John H. Harland Dean and Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Data is the sword of the 21st century, those who wield it well, the Samurai. -Jonathan Rosenberg, adviser to Larry Page & former Google SVP
Statistical Problems in Marketing Functional Data Analysis Statistical Methodology High Dimensional Regression
Jeffrey LeJeune
Professor I Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine · The Ohio State University
Jeffrey T. LeJeune is an internationally recognized expert in food safety and bacterial diseases transmitted between animals and people.
Veterinary Medicine Animal Health Ecology Food Safety Bacterial Diseases
Sarah Emanuel
Assistant Professor of Theological Studies · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Biblical Studies New Testament Christian Origins First Century Judaism Bible and Theory
Jane Caputi, Ph.D.
Professor · Florida Atlantic University
Jane Caputi, Ph.D., is an expert in contemporary American cultural studies, including popular culture, gender and violence, and ecofeminism.
Feminism Gender and Violence Contemporary American Cultural Studies Popular Culture Ecofeminism
Martin Gaynor
University Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Martin Gaynor's research focuses on competition and antitrust policy, particularly in health care markets.
Public Policy Industrial Organization Business and Economics Health Economics Antitrust
Bruce Compas
Patricia and Rodes Hart Professor of Psychology and Human Development, Professor of Pediatrics, Co-Director of Clinical Psychology Training, and Director of Psychology at the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center · Vanderbilt University
An expert on how stress affects the physical and mental health of children and families, and the power of coping and preventative measures.
Neurocognitive Deficits Depression Stress Coping and Resilience Huntington Disease Childhood Cancer Survivorship
David Godwin
Director · University of Florida
David Godwin researches fire ecology, from remote sensing assessments of burn severity to prescribed fire and forest carbon dynamics.
Wildfire Fire Science Fire Ecology Prescribed Fire
Samantha Chapman, PhD
Professor of Biology | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Samantha Chapman, PhD is an Associate Professor with expertise in global change in coastal ecosystems and invasive plant species.
Coastal Ecosystems Wetlands Biodiversity Loss Climate change effects on coastal wetlands Invasive Species
Jim Riddlesperger
Professor · Texas Christian University
Professor Riddlesperger focuses on American politics, with emphasis in the presidency, Congress, and Texas politics
Political Parties American Political Institutions Congress and the Presidency Congress Issues in American Politics
M. Francyne Huckaby
Associate Provost of Faculty Affairs · Texas Christian University
Dr. Huckaby is professor, associate provost of Faculty Affairs and executive director of the Koehler Center at Texas Christian University.
Feminism and Research Philosophy & Education Film as Research Education and Equity Women and Gender Studies
Kuldeep Neote
Senior Director · Consulate General of Canada (CTA Boston)
Kuldeep focuses primarily on the areas of Oncology and Immunology.
Drug Discovery Immunology Oncology Molecular Biology
Erica Frantz
Associate Professor of Comparative Politics · Michigan State University
Authoritarian politics, aristocratic rule and policy, democratization, conflict
Dictatorship Conflict Authoritarian Politics Democratization Development
Crystal Park, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology · University of Connecticut
Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Connecticut
Meaning Making Psychology of Religiousness and Spirituality Stress, Trauma and Coping Yoga Research Cancer Survivorship
Stephen Kajiura, Ph.D.
Professor · Florida Atlantic University
He studies the sensory biology and behavior of sharks and their relatives as well as their seasonal migrations in southeast Florida.
Telemetry Rays Shark Behavior Sensory Biology Elasmobranchs
Joshua Goodling
Speaker and Author · Joshua Goodling
Bouncing Back When Your Chances Are Zero
Making A Difference School & Workplace Bullying Overcoming Adversity Faith Youth Activism
Shauna McGillivray
Professor & Associate Department Chair · Texas Christian University
Biology expert, focusing on genetic methods of fighting disease
Antibiotic Resistance Microbiology Intersections of Genetics and Disease Bacterial Virulence in Genes Bacterial Pathogenesis
Carleen Carroll APR, FCPRS
Strategic Communications and Government Relations Consultant · Canadian Public Relations Society
One of Canada's leading municipal communicators building trustworthy relationships and great public policy through two-way communications
Strategic Communications Planning Relationship Building With Stakeholders Public Relations Best Practices Brand Identity and Brand Management Public Consultation and Community Engagement
Cheolho Sim, Ph.D.
Professor, Biology · Baylor University
Professor Sim's research is focused predominantly on the vector biology of human pathogens.
Vector Biology Functional Genomics Disease Vectors Biology
Hannes Baumann, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor · University of Connecticut
Hannes Baumann is an expert in coastal fish ecology and effects of marine climate change
Evolution Oceanography Marine Science Fish Populations Marine Climate Change
Thomas Kostigen
Bestselling author · Thomas Kostigen
Celebrity Collaboration / Climate / Sustainable Food
Collaboration and New Ways of Working Journalism Environment Climate Business