Cary Krosinsky
Senior Vice President, North America · Trucost
The ROI? Saving the planet! Your event will take on a wonderful shade of green with author, professor and expert on sustainable investing
Sustainability & Investing Institutional Ownership Analysis Clean Energy Greening the Supply Chain
Sehoon Kim
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Sehoon Kim researches corporate finance and financial markets.
Competition Corporate Finance Corporate Governance Financial Markets Public Policy
Randall Stone
Professor of Political Science and Director of the Skalny Center for Polish & Central European Studies · University of Rochester
Stone is known for his studies on international political economy, international relations, and Russian and European politics.
International Monetary Fund International Economics Multinational Corporations International relations and finance Russia and Eastern Europe
John Cook
President and CEO · Greenchip Financial Corp.
John offers a unique and often entertaining perspective on challenges and opportunities presented by the emerging environmental economy.
Sustainable Investing Cleantech Socially Responsible Investing Environmental Economic Development Environmentally Responsible Investing