Keith Gaddie

Hoffman Chair of the American Ideal and Professor · Texas Christian University

Dr. Gaddie's writes about the American South in architecture, politics, sports, and history.

Southern Politics Politics and Architecture Democracy Voting Rights

Mary Twis

MSW Program Director and Associate Professor · Texas Christian University

Dr. Twis specializes in research on human trafficking.

Human Trafficking Youth Sex Trafficking Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking Homelessness and Human Trafficking Violence and Human Trafficking

Sriram Narayanan

Eli Broad Professor in Supply Chain Management · Michigan State University

Sriram Narayanan's research has focused on understanding how supply chain ideas can be applied to facilitate inclusion.

Managing Services Diversity & Inclusion Equity

Joseph G Dreiss

Professor of Art and Art History · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Dreiss is the founder of the digital media lab.

Art History Art Criticism Contemporary Art Digital Imaging Web Production

Jeremy Everett, D.Min.

Founder and Executive Director, Baylor Collaborative on Hunger and Poverty · Baylor University

National voice on scalable solutions to end hunger through partnerships, research, innovative models and collaboration

Poverty Hunger Policy National Hunger Issues Food Insecurity Food Policy

Dr Luciano Batista

Senior Lecturer in Operations Management, Aston Business School · Aston University

Dr Batista's main research interest is sustainable operations and supply chains in the circular economy and digital economy contexts.

Sustainable Supply Chain Management Circular Supply Chains Circular Economy Sustainable Operations Management

Adam Frank

Professor of astrophysics, science commentator, and popular author · University of Rochester

Frank is a leading expert on how stars form and how they die, as well as civilizations before humans

Extraterrestrial Life Space Discoveries Life on Other Planets Civilizations and climate change Theoretical Astrophysics

Carl Elks, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Professor Elks' career focuses on maturing and advancing the state of the art in the areas of safety assessment and fault tolerance.

Runtime Verification and Monitoring Fault Injection for Cyber Physical Systems Complexity Aware Design for Critical Systems Assessment Methods for Dependable and High Integrity Systems Cyber Physical Systems

Pramod Abichandani

Associate Professor of Applied Engineering and Technology · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Researches drones, robotics and embedded systems

Controls and Communications Controls Electrical and Computer Engineering Drones Robotics

Sam Coogan

Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Sam Coogan researches in the area of dynamical systems and focuses on developing tools for cyber-physical systems.

Formal Methods Cyber-Physical Systems Autonomous Systems Transportation Networks Control Theory