Nirma Khatri Vadlamudi
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Dr. Nirma Khatri Vadlamudi is an expert in the area of epidemiology and health economics for vaccine-preventable diseases.
Rotavirus Vaccines Pneumococcal Vaccines Vaccination RSV Vaccines
Lew Lim
Founder and CEO · VieLight
Dr. Lew Lim is the founder and CEO of VieLight
Light Therapy Medical Devices Phototherapy Start-Ups Corporate Planning
Nazanin Hosseinkhah, PhD
Director of Special Projects · VieLight
Dr. Hosseinkhah joined Vielight to discover how light energy could be used to positively impact the brain and the body.
Medical Device Development Healthcare System Start-Up Market Research Ultrasound Imaging
David Steffens, M.D., M.H.S.
Professor and Chair, Psychiatry · University of Connecticut School of Medicine
Dr. Steffens' research focuses on late-life mood and cognitive disorders.
Dementia Late-Life Depression
Angela Crawley
Scientist, Chronic Disease Program · Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Chronic Disease Program
Angela Crawley's lab studies the immunopathogenesis of HIV and hepatitis C (HCV) infection.
Biomedical Research Immunology Chronic Disease T-cell biology Hepatitis C Virus Infection (Hcv)
Michael von Fricken
Associate Professor/Director · University of Florida
Michael von Fricken focuses on vector-borne disease surveillance, control, and pathogen discovery.
Global Health Security Emerging Infectious Diseases Vector-Borne Diseases One Health Epidemiology
Haesuk Park
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Haesuk Park studies economic and health outcomes of medications and pharmaceutical care services and policy regarding pharmaceutical use.
Hepatitis C Claims Data Analysis Health Outcomes Pharmacoeconomics Policy Evaluations
Denise Schentrup
Clinical Associate Professor/Associate Dean · University of Florida
Denise Schentrup serves as clinical director of Archer Family Health Care, the UF College of Nursing’s nurse-led clinic.
Interprofessional Team-based Care Quality Improvement Rural Health Health Information Exchange
Daniel Strunk
Associate Professor | Department of Psychology · The Ohio State University
Psychology expert focusing on depression and cognitive therapy.
Emotion Regulation Treatment outcomes Depression Major depressive disorder abnormal emotional states
Huaxia Rui
Professor, Xerox Chair of Computer and Information Systems · University of Rochester
Huaxia Rui conducts research on topics related to social media, health IT, and optimal contract design.
Data Science Social Media Analytics Health IT Optimal Contract Design Healthcare Economics
Dr. Mark Ware
Chief Medical Officer · Canopy Growth
Dr. Ware leads Canopy Growth’s medical division, Spectrum Therapeutics including research towards the development of cannabinoid medicines.
Endocannabinoid System Cannabis Research Cannabinoids Medical Cannabis Clinical Research
Ruogu Fang
Associate Professor/Associate Director · University of Florida
Ruogu Fang works on artificial intelligence-empowered precision brain health and brain/bio-inspired AI.
Brain Informatics Neuroimaging Precision Intervention Deep Learning Medical Image Analysis