Professor Anne-Marie Bagnall

Professor · Leeds Beckett University

Anne-Marie Bagnall delivers training to internal and external learners on how to use and produce systematic reviews and meta-analyses.

Inequality Public Health Health Promotion Meta-Analysis Community Wellbeing

Alan Sheinwald

Member of the 7th U.S. Cavalry · U.S. Army

Alan Sheinwald is a member of the 7th U.S. Cavalry and proud West Point Alumni interested in business and volunteering.

Coaching softball Volunteering army Military

Philippa White

Founder and CEO · TIE Leadership

I’m passionate about helping businesses become more human.

Power of Business and Leadership Leadership Leadership Development Purpose Sustainability

William Doyle

Associate Professor of Public Policy and Higher Education · Vanderbilt University

An expert on how geography affects higher education attainment and the state of the financial aid system in America.

borrowing trends Undergraduate Education Borrowing for college College affordability Higher Education Access

Nicole Peritore, PhD

Assistant Professor · Augusta University

Nicole Peritore is an assistant professor of kinesiology in the College of Education and Human Development at Augusta University.

Food Insecurity Health Promotion Healthy Living Community Health

Sharon Austin

Professor · University of Florida

Sharon Wright Austin’s teaching and research interests are in American government, urban politics and African American politics.

Southern Politics African American Politics Urban Politics

Julie Levy

Distinguished Professor · University of Florida

Julie Levy focuses on shelter animal wellness, feline infectious diseases, spay/neuter and humane cat population control alternatives.

Animal Welfare Feline Infectious Diseases FeLV FIP FIV

Robert Fuller, M.D., FACEP

UConn Health Chairman of Emergency Medicine · University of Connecticut

Fuller has responded to nations battered by natural and manmade disasters -New York after 9/11, Haiti ; Philippines after a typhoon.

Coronavirus Efficiency of Emergency Services International Disaster Medical Response Emergency Medical Care Natural Disasters

Jeremy Everett, D.Min.

Founder and Executive Director, Baylor Collaborative on Hunger and Poverty · Baylor University

National voice on scalable solutions to end hunger through partnerships, research, innovative models and collaboration

Poverty Hunger Policy National Hunger Issues Food Insecurity Food Policy

Laila Muhammad

Lecturer of Journalism · Loyola Marymount University

Interviewing Communication Journalism Public Speaking

Robert Lindeman

Sleep Consultant · Robert Lindeman Sleep Consultant

Robert Lindeman is a Lay Leader at his Synagogue, Congregation Kehillath Israel.

Community Religion Volunteering Sailing Acapella

Allyson Hewitt

Director, SiG@MaRS and Director, Social Entrepreneurship · MaRS Discovery District

Creating the conditions that expand the realm of entrepreneurship so it incorporates a strong social component is what SiG@MaRS achieves

Social Innovation Social Finance Nonprofit Management Fundraising Social Enterprise

Attorney Nicholas Ellis

Social Security Attorney · Attorney Nicholas Ellis

Attorney Nicholas Ellis specializes in workers comp and social security disability law at his practice in Worcester, MA.

Volunteering Community Leadership Social Security Disability

Sarah A. Schnitker, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology & Neuroscience · Baylor University

Sarah A. Schnitker is an expert in the study of patience, self-control, gratitude, generosity, and thrift.

Personal Goals Adolescent Interventions Spirituality Thrift Gratitude

Dan Waldschmidt

Managing Director · Waldschmidt Partners International

Unconventional Business Insights for Motivated Over-Achievers

Marketing Strategy Sales Straegy Inspiration Business Strategy Unconventional Ideas

Laura Hernandez, J.D.

Professor of Law / Chair, Baylor Law School's Diversity Committee · Baylor University

Expert litigator, focusing on immigration law, insurance law, Civil Rights Actions, and separation of Church and State

Immigration Law Insurance Law Civil Rights Actions Separation of Church and State DACA

Steven M. Lepowsky, D.D.S.

Dean, School of Dental Medicine · University of Connecticut

Steven M. Lepowsky currently serves as the Dean of the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine

Dentistry Oral Surgery

Professor Jane South

Professor · Leeds Beckett University

Jane South is Professor of Healthy Communities working in the field of community engagement and public health.

Volunteering Community Health Public Health Health Health Promotion

Stephanie Brooks

Services Marketing Expert

Stephanie Brooks has over 20 years of experience in services marketing and 12 years of experience in digital marketing.

Marketing Services Marketing Volunteering

Thomas Scott

Scottish Director · Communication Consultants

UK Public Speaking Champion 2008 & 2011

Volunteering Karate Public Speaking Physical Activity and Health Lifelong Learning